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Impact innovation: Delta i omställningslabb för framtidens attraktiva och tillgängliga livsmiljöer

Now we are transforming Sweden, fossil-free and resource-conscious, into attractive and accessible living environments for everyone. In order to achieve this mission, ShiftSweden will, through this the call for proposals, start four transition labs that explore, test and scale up solutions in social construction and mobility. By working in a lab, we build a common context to create the best possible conditions to contribute to groundbreaking social change. In this call for proposals you can apply to participate with a project in one of the four labs: Transformation of traffic environments in smaller cities and communities, Future-proof large-scale apartment building areas, Developed market and logistics for recycling and Expanded role for public transport.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Project that explores, tests and scales up solutions within one of the four labs. All projects must contribute to attractive and accessible living environments.

Who can apply?

The call targets public sector, business, civil society and research organisations. At least two project partners, all of whom have an active role. Projects must have a clear connection to the chosen locations and challenges.

How much can you apply for?

Total call budget is SEK 100 million. Project that explores can apply for a maximum of SEK 3 million and last for a maximum of 2 years. Project that tests and scales up can apply for a maximum of SEK 6 million and last a maximum of 3 years.

Important dates

  • Call text for the offer

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    • The call for proposals is carried out within the framework of the ShiftSweden program, part of Impact Innovation – an effort from the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova.

      ShiftSweden's mission is to transform Sweden, fossil-free and resource-conscious, into attractive and accessible living environments for everyone. Over ten years, ShiftSweden will show how in a hundred locations.

      The work of showing how we can change will take place within the transition labs that will be started in 2025 through this call for proposals and a call for proposals for geographical transition labs at Formas.

      The lab themes the call for proposals covers

      This first call for proposals addressing site types and system challenges opens for project proposals to be included in the following four labs:

      • Site type: Future-proof large-scale apartment building areas
      • Site type: Transformation of traffic environments in smaller cities and towns
      • System challenge: Developed market and logistics for recycling
      • System challenge: A broadened role for public transport

      Reach further together by working in a transformation lab

      ShiftSweden wants to challenge the way research and innovation are traditionally conducted. By building a context around the project that are funded, the goal is to create better conditions for achieving concrete impact and broad dissemination.

      Project based on broad and active collaboration

      We welcome actor constellations that reflect the complexity that characterizes community building and mobility. At least two project parties are required, but preferably more. The projects need to be based on active commitment and drive from all parties, where one of the parties has control over the chosen location or system challenge and a clear responsibility for implementing project results.


      Funding can be granted with up to 3 million SEK for exploratory project and 6 million SEK for project that test and scale up. The total budget for the call for proposals is 100 million SEK. The support level for project can be a maximum of 75 percent.

    • ShiftSweden's mission is to transform Sweden, fossil-free and resource-conscious, into attractive and accessible living environments for all. Three major shifts in community building and mobility are needed for a transition to be possible:

      • From resource-intensive linear community building processes to sustainable and value-creating circular business models
      • From unsustainable transportation to a new freedom reform with competitive alternatives to individual car travel
      • From urban planning in a gutter to an integrated ecosystem for the built environment and mobility

      From resource-intensive linear community building processes to sustainable and value-creating circular business models

      To create sustainable attractive places and living environments, the focus of the transition needs to shift from individual buildings and facilities to entire city districts or neighborhoods. This places new eligibility requirements on society's shared value creation.

      We need to develop smarter ways of working with inclusion and participation in construction and planning processes. Life between buildings, ecosystems, inclusion, safety and health are becoming more important to consider. The built environment is facing the challenge of quickly changing from a system where resources are wasted to a sustainable use of resources. Moving from building new, with new materials, in new places, to starting by considering the need and whether it can be met without building anything new. Is it possible to rebuild, adapt or renovate? When demolishing, is it possible to reuse and recycle building materials? If the need to build new remains, how should we build and design for long-term use, with the least environmental and climate impact?

      Circular business models also need to consider resource and waste management and more efficient use of vehicles and machinery. In the shift from a linear to a circular built environment sector, business logic, practices, regulations, norms and values need to be challenged and developed.

      From unsustainable transportation to a new freedom reform with competitive alternatives to individual car travel

      Road transport is currently responsible for a large part of climate emissions and land use in urban areas. The car was originally seen as a way to increased freedom and welfare, but today we know that it is also a source of climate emissions, negative health aspects, congestion and lack of space in cities. With the car-based society came sparser settlements, long commuting distances and complex travel chains. This has created accessibility for many, but not for all.

      The transition to fossil-freedom therefore needs to be based on a changed understanding of what transport is for, and how it is experienced. The focus should be on people's access to work, education, healthcare, services, leisure activities, experiences and social contacts. Travel is often a way to get there. But accessibility is also affected by how society is planned – where functions such as schools or shops are located.

      Digital solutions and smart logistics arrangements can mean that we don't have to travel as much and that transportation can be done more resource-efficiently. There are many solutions that can enable a new freedom reform for sustainable accessibility. For example, increased opportunities to choose walking and cycling, electric scooters, pools with electric cars, carpooling, public transport, local logistics, remote working and new concepts that integrate different services. But they must be combined and developed to create accessibility for different groups in society.

      To achieve a sustainable future, societal actors need to offer attractive and competitive solutions to individual car travel that encourage people to reflect on their behaviors, and to create new ones.

      From urban planning in a gutter to an integrated ecosystem for the built environment and mobility

      Integrating buildings and mobility is crucial to creating attractive and accessible living environments for all. Attempts have been made to integrate land use planning, the built environment and mobility. However, it remains a weak point in planning and development processes in practice. I Sverige, responsibilities are divided vertically between national, regional and local, and horizontally between different sectors.

      The built environment and mobility ecosystems are built on different institutional frameworks and relationships between private and public domains. Going forward, actors and perspectives need to be better integrated, both vertically and horizontally, to unlock new ways of thinking and doing.

    • This the offer within the joint effort of the Swedish Energy Agency, Forma and Vinnova, Impact Innovation, is linked to the ShiftSweden program.

      Attractive and accessible living environments for all are at the heart of ShiftSweden's work. To transform Sweden accordingly, the way research and innovation are traditionally conducted needs to be challenged.

      In order to create the best possible conditions for the projects to achieve concrete effects and influence at a system level, they will work closely together, within a common theme and towards a common goal. Common themes and close cooperation will be created in the transition labs that all project will be part of. All project as well as the lab as a whole, will contribute to achieving ShiftSweden's mission and three shifts.

      Different place types and system challenges will be in focus through a series of calls for proposals during ShiftSweden's ten-year program period.

      The call for proposals includes four themes, which will form four transition labs.

      This call for proposals is aimed at actors who want to be part of the first labs for place types and system challenges. This first call for proposals addressing place types and system challenges opens for project within one of the following themes:

      • Site type: Future-proof large-scale apartment building areas
      • Site type: Transformation of traffic environments in smaller cities and towns
      • System challenge: Developed market and logistics for recycling
      • System challenge: A broadened role for public transport

      Site types are based on challenges for specific locations. In the labs created around large-scale apartment buildings and traffic environments in smaller cities and communities, opportunities are provided to share experiences with, and learn from, other project working on similar challenges in corresponding locations. Together, the projects can contribute to solutions and results going further, and can be further developed and scaled nationally.

      System challenges arise from structural aspects that affect the conditions for the sustainable development and viability of many places. For example, these can involve regulations, business models, standards, norms and values. In the labs created around the market and logistics for recycling and a broader role for public transport, project are gathered that address these challenges and their systems in different ways and that can collectively contribute to developing new policies and solutions for different organizations and levels of society.

      Reach further together in a transformation lab

      What conditions need to be in place for a research and innovation project to reach that last step? That last step that makes the text in a report go from safe custody in Vinnova's database to actually influencing and changing our perception of a certain issue. Or to take the step that means that a pilot frees itself from the individual location or organization and gains a foothold in methods, working methods and, via plans and drawings, takes material form around Sweden. Our ambition with the transition lab is for your project to take that last step, together with other project.

      To get there, we believe that several project need to work together within a common theme and towards a common objective, a transition lab. The projects in the lab will start from different geographical and organizational conditions and contribute different skills and experiences. With the help of continuous sharing of experiences and learning between the projects in the lab and a joint responsibility for national dissemination and scaling, we believe that the individual projects and the lab as a whole can reach significantly further. Each project needs to allocate at least 150 hours a year for participation in the common activities linked to the transition lab.

      Collaboration does not happen by itself. Leading an innovation project is in itself a difficult task, leading a lab of project will require dedicated time and competence and experience adapted to this task. A lab coordinator will be appointed to each transition lab, to lead and ensure that the projects both learn from each other and from their environment and create the best possible conditions to reach further together. The lab coordinator will be appointed through a parallel process and will be in place when the projects start.

      A place-based approach - understanding the conditions of the place

      ShiftSweden's place-based approach means that the conditions for achieving more attractive and accessible living environments for all, in different ways, are the focus of the program's calls for proposals. A starting point is that understanding the place is central to both formulating relevant challenges and exploring and testing possible solutions. A challenge that is common to many can at the same time be dependent on very different conditions depending on where, and in what context, the challenge needs to be addressed.

      The solution to improving people's access to, for example, public transport looks different depending on whether the challenge is to be addressed in a metropolitan environment where many people live, or in a sparser geography where fewer people need to move. The possibility of developing business models that facilitate circular construction or recycling also looks different depending on the market, the size of the surrounding area and the existing social structures there are to work with. It can also play a role whether a challenge is highlighted in a smaller or larger geographical context.

      This place-based approach underpins the program and is expected to contribute to innovative and feasible results for the place types and system challenges addressed in this year's and future years' calls for proposals.

      The importance of a systems perspective

      Urban planning and mobility are complex areas where multiple actors and users, administrative and geographical levels, as well as legal frameworks and policies interact. It is therefore important to have a systems perspective, that is, to look at the whole and not just the parts and the drainpipes but also their interconnections. The systems perspective is a prerequisite for both understanding and developing solutions that can contribute to a transformation in urban planning and mobility.

      Within this call for proposals we have chosen to base ourselves on a system model that consists of five change dimensions that generally need to be explored for system innovation to be possible.

      The five dimensions are:

      • new technical solutions
      • functioning business or value models
      • supporting infrastructure and production systems
      • enabling policy and regulatory framework
      • permissive culture and values

      Project does not need to include all system dimensions but should include at least two of the dimensions.

      From previous initiatives, we know that collaborative projects that have a clear systems perspective early on have an easier time scaling up developed solutions at a later stage and thus contribute to system transformation.

      Which transformation labs can you apply to participate in with project ?

      Future-proof large-scale apartment building areas

      The large stock of apartment buildings built in the 1960s and 1970s contains a large number of apartments. They are largely well-planned housing, but are now in dire need of renovation. They are often located in areas with disruption from nearby infrastructure, which can create barriers to the surrounding area.

      The technical lifespan of buildings is coming to an end and both climate adaptations and energy efficiency measures will be needed to meet the requirements of, among others, the Energy Performance Directive (EPBD). Overall, large investments are required that need to be distributed in a reasonable way, where households' ability to absorb the costs through increased rents is limited.

      To increase the attractiveness of the areas, more than just renovation is required. Measures to promote social sustainability are necessary. People's health, safety, and well-being need to be valued equally with building technical qualities, from a socio-economic perspective. If handled correctly, the technical, economic, ecological, and social challenges can be solved together.

      Analysis and calculation methods, technical and financing solutions as well as robust and careful design and planning are needed to be able to make long-term decisions and implement wise measures that extend the lifespan of large parts of the housing stock. Investment costs need to be distributed fairly over time and between actors and tenants.

      Effective collaboration models between actors such as municipalities, tenants and civil society, private and public property owners, architects and technical consultants, need to be developed and scaled up to achieve attractive living environments.

      There are many previous project that have addressed large-scale residential areas from different perspectives, both social and technical. ShiftSweden's lab will take as a starting point previous project and results. In addition, focus on, among other things, the current energy efficiency requirements can be an enabler for extending the lifespan and for creating attractive living environments and strengthened resilience at both the housing and area level.

      The lab collects project with great potential to be scaled up and contribute to other parts of the collective portfolio. The focus is on building on previous experiences, on testing and creating workshops, and on exploring solutions that can contribute to lasting change.

      Transformation of traffic environments in smaller cities and communities

      Of the total built-up area in Sweden, a large part, almost 40 percent, is used for transportation. These traffic environments have been largely shaped based on the needs of the car. The least space is given to those who walk and cycle. A future with competitive alternatives to individual car travel requires that many traffic environments be designed and used differently than today.

      There is a need to create safer and more attractive living environments for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as increased accessibility for public transport and other shared mobility. A transformation of traffic environments can create new conditions for attractive living environments, business development, public health, housing construction and a sense of belonging to the place.

      Many project have been implemented in recent years in larger cities, but there is also great potential and a need in smaller towns and communities. This can range from smaller towns on the outskirts of metropolitan regions to urban areas in rural areas. The infrastructure for sustainable mobility in these places is often limited. Road traffic, on the other hand, takes up a lot of space in ways that can, among other things, create barriers and prevent the development of city centres in smaller communities. Dependence on the private car is high, even though the proportion of short trips is similar to that in larger cities.

      There is a need for project and activities that explore new concepts and test innovative solutions. This can be done by, for example, converting areas for motor traffic to areas for sustainable traffic modes, increasing safety and accessibility to sustainable traffic modes, or converting traffic areas to other purposes. It can also involve introducing traffic-calming measures for entire communities or parts of cities (for example, speed limits, temporary or permanent through-and-entry restrictions).

      The projects need to have a broader perspective than an individual street or parking area. The transformation needs to contribute to creating coherent traffic and living environments that are attractive to live in, that contribute to social cohesion and increase the attractiveness of places for different groups and actors in society. The projects should contribute to utilizing the potential that exists in smaller cities and communities for a reduced need for travel.

      The lab brings together project that, based on the site-specific conditions of smaller cities and urban areas, explore how the transformation of traffic areas can create more attractive and accessible living environments for everyone.

      Smaller cities and towns mean urban areas with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. For support regarding which urban areas are covered , Statistics Sweden's urban area statistics can be used, for example.

      Developed market and logistics for recycling

      To achieve structured and efficient reuse of materials, a functioning market is needed. There are some today that serve good purposes and are logistically efficient, but which only handle a suboptimal part of the market. Some materials need to be able to be used and traded at least on a national level. For other materials, the market demands producer responsibility, where suppliers “take back”, quality assure and market reusable building materials in parallel with new ones. Logistics and warehousing need to be solved as efficiently as possible.

      Quality assurance of construction and civil engineering materials is a central issue for recycling. It needs to be clear to actors in the construction sector who is responsible for ensuring that recycled materials have the properties and qualities required by regulations and standards. There are also noted problems with accounting and VAT issues.

      Standardized digital infrastructure needs to be developed and implemented, which is a prerequisite for scaling up the market and providing conditions for actors to develop functioning flows and business models. It is also important to be able to steer towards good material choices in the early stages, and for recycling and circular flows to be the first choice.

      This lab brings together project that, from a systems perspective, test and explore innovative solutions, business models and concepts to shed light on what is required to achieve a clear shift towards a functioning market for the reuse of construction and civil engineering materials. the call for proposals welcomes project that address economic, legal, organizational and other barriers to implementing new concepts that can be scaled up.

      A broadened role for public transport

      Public transport needs to be the backbone of a sustainable transport system. However, public transport faces challenges with low occupancy in large parts of the country and is not always perceived as competitive in terms of time and accessibility compared to individual car travel. This is particularly true in the outer areas of larger cities, in smaller towns and in rural areas. However, new technology and changing standards offer new opportunities. Many people are demanding solutions that enable more sustainable lifestyles but still provide the conditions to solve everyday problems with reasonable accessibility and convenience.

      To contribute to attractive and accessible living environments for all, traditional public transport needs to be combined with other solutions so that it can reach more people and further. Through a broader perspective, the strengths of public transport can be linked with other more flexible, individualised and shared solutions (e.g. carpooling, carpooling, shared micromobility) and with the great potential that exists in increased cycling. Although these solutions complement each other, they are rarely developed and offered in a coherent way.

      The lab brings together project with a systems perspective that explore and test innovative solutions, business models and concepts that provide the conditions for a broadened public transport, as well as project that address economic, regulatory, organizational and other obstacles to implementing new concepts on a large scale. On a comprehensive level, the lab will contribute both to critical exploration of the way in which public transport works today and to constructive and concrete proposals for how the role and mission of public transport can be redefined. Scaling up is a priority issue.

      Contribute to a sustainable system transformation

      Impact Innovation will contribute to global competitiveness through transformation for sustainable development. Through our efforts, we contribute to the global commitment to achieving the goals of Agenda 2030.

      To achieve sustainable system transformation, it is important that project in the design of new solutions manage goal conflicts and minimize the risk of unintended negative effects.

      One aspect that is followed up and assessed is whether both women and men equally benefit from the contribution, participate in and have influence over the project.

      We therefore always follow up and assess:

      • whether women and men participate in the project on an equal footing, receive contributions and have influence and power over the project.
      • how well the project analyzes and decides whether there are sex or gender aspects that are relevant to the project's problem formulation, solutions and effects.

      Gender-equal innovation – what it means for those seeking funding from us

      Agenda 2030 as a driver for innovation

      Making scientific publications and results available

      When results from research and innovation are made freely available, more people can contribute to solving societal challenges. This the call for proposals will help make results available to everyone. Therefore, all scientific publishing should be open access.

    • The four labs in the call are aimed at a broad range of actors with interest and expertise within ShiftSweden's three shifts. There is great relevance for municipalities and regions, as well as state agencies, to participate from a discretionary, policy and regulatory perspective. It is also relevant for companies and research performers with expertise and interest within each lab to participate.

      Overall, we see that there is a strong incentive for interest groups and civil society to get involved and contribute perspectives and expertise to the projects. ShiftSweden welcomes a wide range of actors, even those who often do not participate in the corresponding project, who can contribute new perspectives on the challenges being addressed.

      The projects need to be based on active commitment and drive from all parties, where one of the parties has control over the chosen location or system challenge and a clear responsibility for implementing project results.

      The constellation of actors should consist of legal entities such as companies, non-profit organizations, the public sector or research organizations.

      International project partners are welcome to participate in the projects, but a prerequisite for receiving funding from Vinnova is that the project partner is active and has an operating location or branch in Sweden.

    • To meet different needs, the call for proposals opens up two types of project: exploratory project and project that test and scale up.

      These two types should not necessarily be seen as phases or steps that follow one another. Rather, they should be seen as an expression that a challenge may need to be addressed in different ways, depending on how mature the field of existing knowledge and solutions is.

      • Exploratory project
        This type of project is primarily about generating new knowledge, where the ambition should be to make underlying problems visible and develop ideas, hypotheses and solutions. Preferably based on new perspectives that can lead to old questions being put in a new light.
      • Project that tests and scales up
        This type of project should focus on further developing already developed (but not yet verified) prototypes or solutions and testing these in a real environment, with a clear drive towards dissemination and national scaling.

      All project should be of a groundbreaking nature where, for example, prevailing norms, behaviors, regulations, etc. are challenged. The hypothesis is that the lab environment can contribute to, and facilitate, an individual projectto progress further in this regard.

      All project should allocate a certain amount of time to contribute to the joint lab work. It is an important part of strengthening the aspect of sharing and strengthening knowledge and learning, being able to summarize and strengthen conclusions, as well as increasing the opportunities to scale up successful results. Each project needs to allocate at least 150 hours per year for participation in joint activities within the transformation lab.

      What costs can we finance?

      Our funding is subject to state aid rules. The rules govern what types of costs we can finance. These are called eligible costs.

      In this the call for proposals these types of costs are eligible:

      • Personnel costs: Salaries, social security contributions and other personnel costs.
      • Equipment, land and buildings:Instruments, equipment and rent for premises other than regular business premises.
      • Consulting and licensing costs: Consulting services, knowledge and patents purchased or licensed from an external party. Costs for consulting services from external parties may not exceed 20 percent of a project party's budget. We can accept a higher percentage than 20 percent in case of special needs. You must then justify the need for consulting services in proposal. This justification is taken into account in our assessment.
      • Other direct costs: For example, materials, supplies and travel necessary to carry out the project.
      • Indirect costs (overhead): Costs that are not incurred as an immediate consequence of but can be related to the project, such as regular premises and cleaning.
        Indirect costs may constitute a maximum of 30 percent of personnel costs. Universities, university colleges, and certain research organizations and government agencies have higher maximum limits depending on the type of activities.

      For more detailed information about which costs we can finance, see Instructions for eligible costs

      What eligibility requirements apply to costs we finance?

      For a cost to be eligible, it must be:

      • necessary for the activities in the project
      • recorded correctly and separately from the organization's other costs.

      An organization may also not claim someone else's costs as its own.

    • The state aid rules also govern how much of the costs we can finance. This is determined individually for each organization. We therefore differentiate between how much funding the project can receive, and how much each participant can receive.

      How much funding can the project receive?

      Exploratory project

      The maximum funding per project is SEK 3 million and the maximum project duration is 24 months. Project can receive support for a maximum of 75 percent of their total eligible costs.

      Project that tests and scales up

      The maximum funding per project is SEK 6 million and the maximum project duration is 36 months. Project can receive support for a maximum of 75 percent of their total eligible costs.

      The total call budget is SEK 100 million.

      How much funding can a participant receive?

      How much funding each participant can receive depends mainly on:

      • which activities the party will carry out in the project.
      • party size and activities.

      In this the call for proposals we provide support to both organizations that engage in economic activities and organizations that do not engage in economic activities.

      How do you determine whether an organization is engaged in economic activities?

      An organization that offers some kind of service or product in a market is considered to be engaged in economic activities. It does not matter how the organization is financed, whether it is public or private, or whether it has a profit motive. It also does not matter what legal form the business has – that is, whether it is a limited liability company, a trading company, an economic association, a non-profit association or a foundation.

      If you are unsure whether an organization in your project is conducting economic activities, contact call manager. However, the organization is responsible for assessing whether it is conducting economic activities.

      Not state aid

      In this the call for proposals we provide support to organizations that do not engage in economic activities. This generally includes public activities, universities and university colleges, research institutes and other organizations that do not offer a service or product on a market.

      We can finance up to 100 percent of such organizations' costs.

      State aid

      In this the call for proposals organizations that conduct economic activities can receive support for industrial research (this basis for support applies to exploratory project) or experimental development (this basis for support applies project that test and scale up).

      Industrial research

      Industrial research can be simply described as seeking new knowledge through planned research or critical analysis to develop or significantly improve products, processes or services.

      For a full definition, see funding bases and levels

      Experimental development

      Experimental development can be simply described as combining, shaping and using existing knowledge to develop new or improved products, processes or services.

      For a full definition, see funding bases and levels

      How much of the costs can we finance?

      The size of the organization and type of activity determines how large a proportion of the costs we can finance, i.e. the maximum level of support.

      Activity Small business Medium-sized
      Large company
      Maximum aid intensity
      Industrial research (exploratory project) 80% 75% 65%
      Experimental development ( project that test and scale up) 60% 50% 40%

      For full information on these bonus bases, see funding Bases and Support Levels

      We grant funding in accordance with Article 25 of the EU Commission's General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER).

      De minimis support ( support of minor importance)

      In this the call for proposals we can also provide support of minor importance, also called de minimis support. We can finance up to 100 percent of a project party's costs.

      An organization can receive a maximum of 300,000 euros over a three-year period in this form of support, regardless of the funder and project. This means that if the same organization has received support of lesser importance in other project from other funders, it will affect how large the support can be in this the call for proposals.

      To be granted this support, you need to submit a certificate of de minimis support when you submit proposal.

      Certificates of de minimis support can be found on this page

      We grant funding in accordance with the EU Commission Regulation (2023/2831) on de minimis support.

    • In order for us to take a position on and assess your proposal it must meet certain formal eligibility requirements. If the requirements are not met, proposal will be rejected immediately.

      • All project partners must be legal entities. We do not grant funding to individual companies.
      • Grant-receiving project parties must have a Swedish corporate registration number with a branch or establishment in Sweden. Only costs incurred in the branch's or establishment's activities in the project are eligible for support.
        International project partners, who do not have a Swedish branch or operating location, are welcome to participate in project but cannot apply for and receive funding for their costs.
      • The project must be implemented by at least two project parties.
      • Proposal is written in Swedish or English.
      • Proposal contains the Project Description and CV attachments according to the templates provided on the call's website and according to the format described in section 10. Alternatively, the attached CV should contain the same requested information as in the call's CV template.
      • Project partners seeking support of minor importance (de minimis) must submit a correctly completed certificate of support of minor importance to Vinnova in connection with proposal.
      • Applications must be submitted no later than 2:00 PM on the last day of application via Vinnova's e-service. Once the application period has expired, proposal can only be supplemented upon request from Vinnova.
    • What do we assess?

      Proposal should contribute to ShiftSweden's mission and shifts and address one of the four themes described in section 3. Proposal will be assessed based on the criteria below. All formal eligibility requirements need to be met for proposal to be assessed.


      • How relevant are expected results and effects to ShiftSweden's mission and shifts.
      • How well the project is assessed to meet the chosen thematic focus in one of the four transition labs.
      • Potential for results to be utilized and disseminated after project completion.
      • The project's potential to challenge existing structures, such as norms, working methods, behaviors, business models and regulations.
      • To what extent the project and its intended results complement and build on existing experiences and solutions.
      • How well the project is assessed to contribute to increased gender equality.


      • The project's organization and overall expertise are appropriate for the implementation of the project, including the utilization of the project's results.
      • The project is carried out in collaboration with relevant stakeholders or users. The participation of the project participants is well described and appropriate for the project's objective.
      • How well the project team is composed in terms of gender distribution. As well as how well power and influence are distributed between women and men in the project team.


      • Planned activities and methods are realistic and appropriate to achieve expected results during the project period.
      • The schedule and budget are realistic and appropriate in relation to the project's aim and objective.
      • The plan for how the project's results will be utilized is well described and appropriate.
      • How well gender equality has been integrated into the project plan.

      How do we assess?

      Applications received that meet the formal requirements are assessed in competition by internal and external evaluator. The applications are assessed according to the assessment criteria.

      Vinnova reserves the right to apply a portfolio perspective when selecting applications that are granted.

      We also assess financial status

      Before deciding on funding we also conduct a comprehensive assessment of the organizational and financial status of those receiving funding. We use information we obtain from credit reports, currently from Dun & Bradstreet.

      In order for us to grant funding, this applies:

      • Organizations seeking funding for personnel costs must be registered as employers with the Swedish Tax Agency.
      • Organizations must not be insolvent, undergoing liquidation or corporate restructuring. They must also not have unpaid debts with the Swedish Enforcement Authority.
      • Limited liability companies must not have used up half or more of their share capital.
      • If requested, SMEs must be able to demonstrate that they have the financial means to implement the project according to their budget in proposal. They cannot use public funding or their own funds intended for other project to cover project costs in this call for proposals.
      • If proposal contains a foundation or association, the latest annual report must be attached to proposal.
    • Once we have assessed all applications, we will send you a decision either granting or rejecting your proposal. In the decision, we state how much funding each party in the project will be granted. Our decision cannot be appealed.

      What happens if you are granted funding?

      If we grant your proposal, you must follow our general terms and conditions for funding.

      The terms and conditions include the following:

      • That you will sign a special document in which you approve your participation and commit to carrying out the project.
      • That you report how things are going, your costs and achieved results to us regularly during the project period.
      • If you are multiple parties, you must agree on your mutual rights and obligations in the project in an agreement. It can take time to get a project agreement in place, so it is a good idea to get this in place before the project starts.

      See our general terms and conditions and get help understanding and fulfilling them

      You also need to follow the special conditions that apply to this the call for proposals:

      • All project must contribute to the joint work within the transition lab, where each project needs to dedicate at least 150 hours per year.

      We may also decide to add supplementary special conditions for individual project. In such cases, they will be stated in the decision.

      Could you have to pay back funding?

      If you do not follow our term, you may be required to repay the amount. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or for an amount that is too high.

    • To apply funding, you fill out a proposal in our e-service. Proposal contains questions about the project, participating project partners and budget.

      Please also attach these attachments to proposal:

      • Project description, maximum 10 pages with 12 point font size according to the template on the call page.
      • CV attachment containing relevant CVs for project manager and all key personnel according to the template on the call page. Alternatively, the attached CV should contain the same requested information as in the call's CV template.
      • Other attachments. For example, certificates of support of minor importance (de minimis).

      In connection with submitting proposal to Vinnova, you must also send a project summary according to the template found on the call page to the program office ShiftSweden. The information you fill in must be non-confidential. You must send the project summary to the following address:

      This is how the application process works

      Start proposal well in advance

      Keep in mind that it takes time to make a proposal. Filling out templates can take several days, as it is based on the analyses you will do.

      In our e-service you can start filling in the details and then continue at a later time. You can also distribute permissions to others who you want to contribute to proposal. When proposal is complete, mark it as done.

      You can unlock proposal and make changes at any time, right up until the last application date. If you unlock proposal, you must then mark it as ready for it to be registered when the call for proposals closes.

    • When the call for proposals closes, your proposal will be registered as. We will then send an email confirmation to the person responsible for the user account, the project manager and the signatory. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours of the call for proposals closing, please contact us.

      Once the call for proposals is closed, you cannot change anything in proposal. You can only make additions if we ask you to.

      Who can read your proposal?

      Your proposal will be read by Vinnova employees and the external evaluator participating in this the call for proposals. Everyone works under a duty of confidentiality.

      Applications submitted to us become public documents. This means that we must disclose them if requested. However, we keep confidential information that we believe could cause financial harm to the individual if disclosed. This could include information about business and operational conditions, inventions or research results.

      How we handle public documents and confidentiality

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Templates and attachments for your application

    Plesae download the templates you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description. Below you can also find any attachments with useful information for your application.

    Frågor och svar Omställningslabb Vinnova (pdf, 98 kB) Bilder från informationsmöte (pdf, 721 kB) CV - mall (docx, 76 kB) Projektbeskrivningsmall omställningslabb (docx, 49 kB) Mall öppen projektbeskrivning ShiftSweden (docx, 4088 kB) intyg-om-stod-av-mindre-betydelse (docx, 51 kB)

    Please allow enough time

    Please keep in mind that it takes time to complete an application. Filling in the templates can take several days, since they're based on analyses you need to do. Therefore, start the application well in advance. You can start filling in your details, then save and continue at a later time.

    When you've completed your application, please mark it as done ("klar"). You can unlock and make changes to your application at any time until the call closes. If you unlock your application, you must mark it as done ("klarmarkera") if you want the application registered when the call closes. 

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Gustav Malm


    +46 8 473 30 20

    Johanna Johansson


    +46 8 473 30 75

    Programkontoret ShiftSweden

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