The next generation of strategic innovation programs is now being designed, Impact Innovation.
With this the offer, actors in the innovation system get an opportunity to develop what will form the basis for future innovation programs.
Proposal for a preparatory project shall describe a system change and its potential to generate global competitiveness, for Sweden, through transition for sustainable development. Proposal must also describe the team's ability and plan to engage and mobilize relevant actors in the preparation project to develop an actor-driven innovation program. The system change must address one or more of the following three designated challenge areas:
- Good and equal health
- Attractive and well-functioning communities
- Production, consumption and value chains within the boundaries of the planet
The preparatory projects are expected to result in concrete proposals for bold, ambitious, time-bound and measurable objective, so-called missions. The preparatory projects must create the conditions for a future programme by bringing together actor constellations that can drive change in line with the proposed mission(s). Those who apply for preparatory projects are expected to have the ambition to be involved in forming the coordinating and actor-collecting function (corresponding to the current program office) that will run a future innovation program.
The purpose of the future innovation programs within Impact Innovation is that they should function as powerful and actor-driven instruments that mobilize actors to work together towards a common objective, mission. The programs must accelerate development in strategically important areas for Sweden with broad social relevance. The programs must integrate strategic investments for strengthened international cooperation both within the EU and globally that give clearly positive effects to the missions that are formulated. It will be required that the programs can involve all relevant actors, financiers and expert authorities so that the goals can be reached.
Within the call for proposals, we intend to finance preparatory projects with up to SEK 1.5 million for a project duration of a maximum of eight months.