A. System changes for industrial electrification
Industry should become part of the solution to the growing need for access to reliable, stable and sustainably produced electricity – when it is needed, where it is needed, at a competitive cost. Opening up to make industry part of the energy market and moving from being a consumer to a prosumer places eligibility requirements on a new design of the electricity grid and the technology, legal frameworks and market structures that today constitute the conditions. Here, advanced digitalisation, data value chains in system-of-systems and cybersecurity will play crucial roles as the electricity system is reshaped to meet tomorrow's demand for access to sustainably produced electricity and power.
The prerequisites for a national transformation of the electricity system, as part of the energy system, require access to real and digital environments where actors from several different sectors can jointly identify, develop, test, verify, learn and collaborate on technical and market solutions, system components, standards, regulations, and behavioral aspects so that industrial actors can take the step into a new electricity and energy system, and be part of it as flexible prosumers. These physical and digital environments should be built on future digital technology and cover all steps from data collection to model development, where data is exchanged through secure communication interfaces. The feasibility study should propose a structure for the work and identify and prioritize which activities provide the most value for the industry, in the direction of the effect goal.
The feasibility study will lead to a consortium that jointly runs an infrastructure and operational activities, with national coverage and the ability to identify, develop, test, verify, learn and collaborate on technical and market solutions, system components, standards, regulations, and behavioral aspects to enable industrial actors to take the step into a new electricity and energy system.
Impact goals
Industry is part of Sweden's energy system. To provide the right conditions for the electrification of industry, advanced digital solutions are used for energy efficiency, flexible electricity use and secure interaction with the electricity grids in a way that increases the competitiveness of industry. Industry has access to electricity when it is needed, where it is needed, at a competitive cost.
B. Scalability and standardization for industrial data flows
Increased transparency and exchange of data drive the opportunities to streamline product and process flows within all industries and market segments. The lack of common and standardized methods for collecting and structuring industrial data is currently an obstacle to fully utilizing potential of digitalization in industry. The amount of data related to individual products and solutions is increasing exponentially, which is both a challenge and an opportunity at a time when society strives to streamline the use of the earth's resources. The long-term goal is that Swedish industry has adapted, and uses, methods for data collection, structuring and interoperability to be compatible with emerging AI technologies. The concept of data readiness* is central to the goal.
Project within the focus area shall actively contribute to scalability, standardization and implementation for automation of machine-readable data or data flows in value chains. The project shall contribute to synergies within and between industry segments, large and small companies and relevant actors. When creating value chains for data flows, ethical aspects may need to be identified, investigated and ultimately resolved to ensure fair, transparent and responsible handling of data. The project shall explore synergies with other relevant industrial projects in the same area, and, where possible, collaborate with these project, and pursue common issues. Among other things, Avancerad Digitalisering finances project with a focus on data flows within industrial value chains in different sectors and we foresee collaboration with these.
The approved full-scale project shall constitute a national, cross-industry resource. The project shall ensure the implementation of methods, tools, techniques and expertise for appropriate data structuring, data collection and data interoperability in Swedish industry. Through its constellation of actors, the project shall have the ability to build and operate a national network that ensures application in industry. As an initial step, the feasibility study project shall identify and prioritize which activities provide the most value for industry within the described focus area. Result targets shall demonstrate that real benefit is achieved in Swedish industrial companies and the value chains in which they operate, within and between industrial sectors.
Impact goals
Sweden will lead the way for an industry where high data readiness enables advanced AI applications for increased efficiency, innovation and sustainable development.
* The concept of data readiness briefly describes how ready data is for use in practical applications, for example in terms of availability, quality, structure, integrity and security, relevance, standardization.
C. Acceleration of applied industrial AI
The AI field is developing at an accelerating pace and investments taking place internationally are extensive. The ability to apply AI is a prerequisite for Swedish industry to be internationally competitive in the future. Today, there are complex issues that hinder the development and implementation of AI in industrial applications, challenges that individual actors do not have the capacity to solve on their own. These challenges include, among other things, the interpretation of laws and regulations, ethical considerations, intellectual property issues, security aspects, support for scaling, collaboration in, for example, data sharing issues, and the need for skills development. Some issues are industry-specific, others are common to several industrial sectors. Today's investments in the application of AI in industry are fragmented and not powerful enough. A long-term and national collection of support is needed to accelerate the practical industrial application of AI.
The project within the focus area will address, provide support in and solve issues that slow down the development of practical applied AI in Swedish industry in the long term and continuously. The project will work towards scaling and dissemination and stimulate collaboration and the dissemination of expertise, within and between industries and market segments. The project will also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible use of AI. Avancerad Digitalisering finances several project within the applied AI area. The project will explore synergies with these and, where possible, collaborate and pursue common issues.
The project within the focus area shall constitute a national resource that supports Swedish industry to take a world-leading position in applied AI. The project shall have the ability to gather the actors needed to identify, address, provide support in, and resolve issues that slow down the development of practical applied AI in Swedish industry. Approved collaborative projects shall demonstrate real benefit in Swedish industrial companies, both short-term (3 years) and long-term.
A feasibility study should propose a structure for the work and identify and prioritize which activities provide the most value for the industry, in the direction of established impact goals. The feasibility study should clarify which industrial need a collaborative project should fill, as well as what is unique in relation to ongoing activities within the focus area. Here, it should specifically clarify how one intends to relate to other actors and initiatives. As this is an area under rapid development, the feasibility study should also demonstrate the future collaborative project's ability to adapt to what is happening in the outside world.
Impact goals
Sweden will establish itself as one of the top ten nations in industrially applied AI by resolving barriers to application, strengthening cross-industry collaboration and promoting sustainable and responsible use of AI in Swedish industry.
D. World-leading applications of digital infrastructure in Swedish areas of strength
In order for Swedish industry to take a leading position in the application of digital infrastructure, advanced use cases for end-to-end solutions are required, covering a significant part of a value chain and based on the latest digital infrastructure. The use cases will be demonstrated as prototypes in a realistic environment, including the latest available technology in wireless communication networks and digital computing infrastructure. By utilizing the latest technology, Swedish industry will have the opportunity to develop innovative and effective solutions that strengthen their position in the global market. The purpose of demonstrating use cases is to give Swedish industry the opportunity to absorb knowledge, while actively working to remove obstacles to the industry's continued implementation. Demonstrating use cases will pave the way for industry-changing use cases in commercial application in the long term.
Project within the focus area will create physical and digital environments where actors can jointly identify, develop, test, verify, learn and collaborate on issues of both a technical and other nature. Granted project will have their focus on technical aspects, but will also address challenges in areas such as business models, interfaces, business chains, security issues, skills shortages and regulatory obstacles. Project will analyze and demonstrate scalability in a long-term perspective.
Up to three collaborative projects in different industrial segments will be funded within the priority area. The projects will address Swedish industrial areas of strength, such as life science, automotive, mining, forestry, process, defense and engineering. However, The offer is not limited to these established areas of strength, but additional emerging areas of strength are welcomed, such as data centers, and can be addressed within the framework of the priority area.
Impact goals
Industry-changing use cases, on the latest generation of digital infrastructure, will be continuously translated into commercial application.
E. Test center for advanced applications on digital infrastructure
In order for Swedish industry to be able to develop world-leading digital solutions based on the latest communications infrastructure, access to both test environments and expertise for integration and testing of end-to-end applications is required. The goal for this focus area is for Sweden to further develop its world-leading position in future communications systems, create a new market for testing applications on digital infrastructure and increase the attractiveness of international expertise and R&I investments.
Industry needs to be able to use test environments more quickly and easily for testing new industry-changing applications. Project within the focus area will establish a 5G-based test center with access to the latest available technology, including WiFi, terminals, APIs, edge and relevant AI support, to enable testing of end-to-end applications. The test center will bring together critical actors to establish a national capability for advanced applications on digital infrastructure. The test center will support industry users with expertise and functions that enable acceleration of development, testing, demonstration and industrial applications. To the greatest extent, already established Swedish test environments will be used and further developed, but funding of new test infrastructure may also be relevant.
To ensure global competitiveness in future communication systems and their applications, it is also crucial that next-generation infrastructure (for example 6G) is made available to industry use cases, faster than in other markets. Many of the industry-changing use cases will first be developed and tested in 5G networks and then further developed, with extended functionality and performance, on next-generation infrastructure. The test center will eventually ensure that testbeds for next-generation infrastructure (6G) are established and operated in order to make test networks available to the test center for experiments with the first industrial applications.
Impact goals
Sweden should be the first choice in the world for testing applications on digital infrastructure.