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Use infrastructures to develop precision medicine

With this the call for proposals, Vinnova wants to make Swedish advanced infrastructures available to small and medium-sized companies in life science. Take the chance to collaborate and gain access to the latest cutting-edge technology to develop accurate diagnostics and treatment, or to streamline and scale up production processes. Infrastructures mean research infrastructures, innovation hubs, production facilities and test beds.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Use of advanced methods for the development of diagnostics and treatment, or for developing, verifying and scaling up production processes for pharmaceuticals. The call for proposals finances the use of infrastructures to create new innovations.

Who can apply?

The call for proposals is aimed at small and medium-sized companies (need owners) who want to use infrastructures (service providers).

How much can you apply for?

Vinnova can finance a maximum of 100 percent of the project´s total eligible costs. The project can be granted up to one million kroner over 12 months.

Important dates

  • Call text for the offer

    Tip: To create a PDF with all the information about the offer click Ctrl+P and select PDF to save the content.

    • The development of precision medicine is accelerating, thanks in large part to new technology. Advanced infrastructures have a great potential to contribute to research, development and innovation, which is an untapped potential for many companies.

      This the call for proposals is aimed at small and medium-sized life science companies that want to use advanced infrastructure to develop diagnostics and treatment, or to develop, verify and scale up production processes for pharmaceuticals. The company must operate in Sweden and the offer applies to infrastructure in Sweden.

      By infrastructure we mean here research and innovation infrastructures such as production facilities, innovation hubs and test beds.

      The purpose of the call for proposals is to make advanced infrastructure available to small and medium-sized companies in life science. This is to enable the development of new treatment and diagnostics or for the companies to have access to qualified support for scaling up and manufacturing medicines.

      The project can be granted funding of up to SEK 1 million over 12 months.

    • Humanity is facing some of its biggest challenges ever, in order to change to a sustainable society where people's health is promoted and competitiveness is maintained. Advanced infrastructure is an important prerequisite for research, development and new innovations in this transition. The methods, analyzes and knowledge available at the facilities are of decisive importance for research and innovation.

      The purpose of the call for proposals is to increase the use of infrastructure among small and medium-sized life science companies and to contribute to the development of new treatment, diagnostics and more efficient processes for drug production. Through the use of research and innovation infrastructure, companies can gain access to advanced methods and techniques that can provide opportunities to develop new treatment or diagnostics.

      Sweden has made large investments in infrastructure that could be made available in a more efficient way for companies. An increased use of advanced research and innovation infrastructure can create new opportunities in treatment and diagnostics and in the longer term contribute to new innovations and increased competitiveness for Sweden.

      The ability to scale up, test, adapt and produce a product under development is often limited. Access to relevant infrastructure with industrial connections can provide qualified support and streamline development work. Infrastructures such as production facilities, innovation hubs or test beds can provide qualified support in scaling up, analyzing and manufacturing medicines.

      Focus on climate and gender equality in all our investments

      Vinnova is tasked with promoting sustainable growth and community development. Genom Agenda 2030, the countries of the world have agreed on a global agreement and understanding of what characterizes sustainable development. Through our efforts, we contribute to the global commitment to reach the goals.

      In Inom Agenda 2030, Vinnova has specifically identified climate and gender equality as two central sustainability perspectives to which our funded investments should contribute positively. Project financed by Vinnova are thus expected to take special account of the climate and gender equality aspects.

      One aspect that Vinnova follows up on and assesses is whether both women and men equally share in the contribution, participate in and have influence over the project.

      Agenda 2030 - the global sustainability goals as a driving force for innovation

      Equal innovation - what it means for you who seek funding from us

      Free access to scientific publications and results

      Results from research and innovation that are made freely available increase the opportunity for more people to contribute to solutions to societal challenges. This the call for proposals should contribute to making more results freely available to everyone. Therefore, all scientific publication must be open access.

    • The call for proposals is aimed at small and medium-sized life science companies that want to use infrastructure to develop diagnostics and treatment, or to develop, verify and scale up production processes for pharmaceuticals.

      Anyone seeking funding must be classified as a small or medium-sized company according to the EU's definition and be a Swedish legal entity. In this respect, a foreign organization that has a branch or place of business in Sweden is equated with a Swedish legal person. The costs in the project must be attributable to the branch's or operating location's activities.

      The company must be beneficiary and the contact between the company and the infrastructure must be established before proposal is submitted.

      The infrastructures referred to are:

      • research infrastructures
      • innovation hubs
      • production facilities
      • test beds.

      For definition of infrastructure see Article 2 of EU Regulation 2021/695 of 28 April 2021

      Small and medium-sized companies can receive support from EATRIS Sverige in finding the right infrastructure and competence in their field.

    • In this the call for proposals Vinnova finances the companies' use of infrastructure. The project duration may be a maximum of 12 months.

      For example The call for proposals offers funding for the following activities:

      • develop new treatments and medicines
      • develop and verify processes for drug production
      • develop advanced methods and techniques for drug development and diagnostics
      • investigate various critical production and development characteristics
      • scale up and validate existing production processes
      • adapt methods and processes to the GMP standard.

      We do not finance basic research or development work that can be carried out with our own resources. In this call for proposals we do not finance activities and services that connect to business development or regulatory issues.

    • Our funding is covered by rules on government support. The rules govern both what kind of costs and what proportion of the costs we can finance. This is determined for each organization individually. We therefore distinguish between how much funding the project can receive and how much each participating participant can receive.

      How much funding can the project receive?

      The project can be granted funding with a maximum of one million kroner. The call's budget includes a total of SEK 12 million for the years 2024–2025.

      How much funding can the company get?

      How much funding the company can get depends primarily on which activities are to be carried out in the project and on the company's size and activities.

      In this the call for proposals we provide support to:

      • support of minor importance, also called de minimis support
      • industrial research and experimental development.
      De minimis support

      We can finance up to 100 percent of the company's costs. An organization can receive a maximum of 300,000 euros over a three-year period in this form of support, regardless of funder and project. This means that if the same organization has received support of less importance in other project from other funders, it affects how big the support can be in this the call for proposals.

      To be granted this support, you need to submit a certificate of de minimis support when you submit proposal. You can find a link to the de minimis certificate on this page

      Industrial research and experimental development

      Industrial research can be simply described as seeking new knowledge through planned research or critical analysis in order to develop or significantly improve products, processes or services. For the full definition, see Basis of support and support levels for funding.

      Experimental development can be simply described as combining, shaping and using existing knowledge to produce new or improved products, processes or services. For the full definition, see Basis of support and support levels for funding.

      What percentage of the costs we can finance - that is, the maximum level of support - depends on the size of the organization and the type of activity, see table below.

      Activity Small business Big company
      Maximum aid intensity
      Industrial research 70% 60%
      Experimental Development 45% 35%

      What costs can we finance?

      Our funding may only go to certain types of costs. These are called eligible costs.

      In this the call for proposals these types of costs are eligible:

      • Personnel costs: Salaries, social security contributions and other personnel costs
      • Equipment, land and buildings: Instruments, equipment and rent for premises other than regular business premises
      • Consulting and licensing costs: Consulting services, knowledge and patents purchased or used under license from an external actor
      • Other direct costs: For example materials, stock items and travel necessary to carry out the project
      • Indirect costs (overhead): Costs that are not incurred as an immediate consequence of but can be related to the project, for example regular premises and cleaning
        Indirect costs may constitute a maximum of 30 percent of personnel costs

      For more detailed information on which costs we can finance, see our instruction on eligible costs.

      What eligibility requirements apply to costs we finance?

      For a cost to be eligible, it must be necessary for the activities of the project. Project costs must also be properly accounted for and reported separately from the organization's other costs. An organization may also not take up someone else's costs as its own.

      For more detailed information on which eligibility requirements, limitations and exceptions apply, see our instruction on eligible costs.

    • In order for us to review and assess your proposal it must meet certain basic requirements - so-called formal eligibility requirements. If these eligibility requirements are not met, proposal will be rejected with this reference.

      The following formal eligibility requirements apply:

      • the company and the infrastructure must have an established contact at the time of application at the latest. A letter of intent from the infrastructure must be attached to proposal that clearly describes that the infrastructure undertakes to perform the service during the project period
      • proposal is written in Swedish or English
      • no other attachments than those requested must be attached to proposal, see section 9
      • certificate of support of minor importance must be attached to proposal for companies seeking de minimis support.
    • What do we assess?

      Proposal must be in line with the call's aim as described in section 2 and assessed according to the criteria below.


      The criterion indicates the importance of the result and the effects if the project is successful:

      • the value of using the infrastructure to realize the project's potential
      • the project's opportunity to contribute to innovative solutions for new treatment, diagnostics or more efficient processes for drug production
      • the project's degree of maturity in relation to commercialization and exploitation
      • the project's ability to contribute positively to the global goals in Agenda 2030.

      The criterion indicates the competence of the project group and how the collaboration between the project parties has been organized to function well:

      • the project's overall competence and commitment regarding objective and feasibility
      • the composition of the project group regarding gender distribution. How power and influence are distributed evenly between the sexes in the project team.

      The criterion specifies the prerequisites for the project to be carried out according to the project plan and with the staffing specified:

      • the credibility of the project plan in relation to set objective, methods, activities and budget
      • obstacles or risks that hinder the team's ability or opportunity to complete the project.

      How do we judge?

      The applications are assessed by specially appointed and appointed evaluator who submit a recommendation to Vinnova. Vinnova then makes a decision on funding. Assessment takes place in competition between received applications.

    • When we have assessed all applications, we will send a decision in which we either grant or reject your proposal. In the decision, we state how much funding each party in the project is granted. Our decision cannot be appealed.

      What if you are granted funding?

      If we grant your proposal you must follow our general terms and conditions for funding. The terms and conditions include this:

      • that you must sign a special document in which you agree to carry out the project.
      • that you must report your costs and results to us regularly during the project.
      • that, if you are several parties, you must agree on what applies to the project in a project agreement.
      • how the results will be used, and how any scientific publication will take place.

      See our general terms and conditions and get help understanding and fulfilling them

      We can also decide to add supplementary special conditions for individual project. In that case, they appear in the decision.

      Can you have to pay back funding?

      If you do not follow our term you may be liable for a refund. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or with an amount that is too high.

    • To apply for funding you fill in a proposal in our e-service. Proposal contains questions about the project, other project parties and budget.

      You also attach these attachments to proposal:

      • project description
      • CV attachment
      • declaration of intent from the infrastructure.

      Start proposal in good time

      Keep in mind that it takes time to make a proposal. Filling out templates can take several days because it is based on analyzes you will do. Therefore, start in good time. You can start filling in information and continue at a later time. When proposal is ready, you mark it as done.

      You can unlock proposal at any time and make changes right up until the last application date. If you unlock proposal, you must then mark it as ready for it to be registered when the call for proposals closes.

    • When your proposal has been registered, we send a confirmation to the person responsible for the user account as well as to the project manager and the signatory. This may take a few hours after the call for proposals closes. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours after the call for proposals closes, please contact us.

      When the call for proposals is closed, you cannot change anything in proposal. Then you can only supplement if we ask for it.

      Who can read your proposal?

      Applications submitted to us become public documents. This means that we must disclose them if they are requested. We always keep confidential information that could mean financial damage if disclosed, for example information about the business, inventions or research results.

      This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Templates and attachments for your application

    Plesae download the templates you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description. Below you can also find any attachments with useful information for your application.

    Presentation från informationsmöte 19 juni (pdf, 803 kB) Projektbeskrivningsmall (docx, 44 kB) CV-mall (docx, 38 kB)

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Anna Tegnesjö


    + 4684733162

    Katrin Brandt


    + 4684733173

    Therese Porsklint


    + 4684733028

    Fund­ed pro­jects

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    Reference number 2024-01489