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Circularity - FFI - spring 2024

With this the offer, we want to support research and development activities that minimize climate and environmental impact from a life cycle perspective and strengthen sustainability through the entire value chain linked to the development, manufacture and decommissioning of vehicles. The offer is part of the sub-programme FFI Cirkularitet within the collaboration Vehicle strategic research and innovation (FFI).

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Research and development activities in design for circularity, social sustainability throughout the value chain or climate neutral, circular manufacturing and recycling.

Who can apply?

Research organisations, companies, public and non-profit organisations. All projects must consist of at least 2 parties.

How much can you apply for?

Vinnova grants funding of a maximum of 50 percent for the sub-programme. Project must have at least 25 percent business financing. The maximum amount for preliminary studies and minor studies is SEK 500,000. Total budget approx. 37 million.

Important dates

  • Call text for the offer

    Tip: To create a PDF with all the information about the offer click Ctrl+P and select PDF to save the content.

    • A call for proposals within the program FFI Fordonsstrategisk research and innovation, sub-programme Circularity

      Vehicle strategic research and innovation (FFI) is a collaboration between the state and the automotive industry to jointly finance research, innovation and development activities with a focus on making Sweden a leader in the global transition to sustainable road transport. FFI finances research and development activities for approximately one billion kroner per year, of which the government funding is 420 million kroner.

      This the offer finances project that addresses the Circularity sub-programme. The purpose is to support research and development activities that contribute to minimizing climate and environmental impact from a life cycle perspective and strengthen sustainability through the entire value chain linked to the development, manufacture and decommissioning of vehicles. The projects will also contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the Swedish automotive industry. See section 7 Assessment of received applications for more information.

      FFI finances project that touch one of the sub-programme's focus areas:

      Design for circularity, for example:

      • Taking responsibility for the entire value chain, including through circular business models. A shift in skills is needed throughout the chain; development, manufacturing and recycling and reuse.
      • Optimized lifespan of products, materials and parts.
      • Development of methods, tools and standards.
      • Circular material flows.
      • New production processes that enable reuse and recycling.
      • Modularization for increased lifespan, interchangeability and flexibility.

      Social sustainability throughout the value chain, for example:

      • Ethical and social aspects of sustainability.
      • Retain employees and attract new skills through technologies and solutions for cognitive and physical support.
      • Clean and sustainable factories.

      Climate-neutral, circular manufacturing and recycling, for example:

      • Reuse, including of equipment.
      • Sustainable, resource-efficient and circular production systems.
      • New technologies, among other things to adapt to electrification and reduce the current environmental footprint.
      • To create the conditions for robust production chains
      • Increased use of secondary materials.

      Other areas that contribute to the sub-programme's mission, for example:

      • New materials, technologies or methods that radically minimize the environmental impact from the development, manufacture and decommissioning of vehicles.

      This call for proposals covers all focus areas, but applications within the focus area "Social sustainability throughout the value chain" are particularly encouraged.

      Bilagan Effektlogik has also been more clearly included in assessment of the project or the feasibility study's potential. Feasibility studies are particularly welcome and a completed one is expected to be followed by a full-scale project.

      Read FFI's Roadmap before writing your proposal

      We address research organizations, companies, public and non-profit organizations that address one or some of the above-mentioned areas and that intend to develop new solutions and methods.

      The project that are financed must be of the nature;

      • Pre-studies and smaller studies with a project duration of 6–9 months, as well as requested funds of a maximum of SEK 500,000.
      • Full-scale project with project duration of a maximum of 4 years.

      Vinnova intends to grant funding of a maximum of 50 percent for the sub-programme. Each individual project must have at least 25 percent business financing. The total grant budget for the call for proposals is approximately SEK 37 million.

      For all project, an actor constellation consisting of at least two parties is required.

    • FFI's mission is to drive road transport innovations for a sustainable society. The program has a roadmap that sets the direction towards 2030. The long-term vision is that Sweden leads the global transition to sustainable road transport. Three impact goals and five sub-programmes guide the work.

      In proposal it must be clearly stated that the project's objective contributes to the program's impact goals, the subprogram's section in FFI's Roadmap and the section "Important aspects for all subprogrammes" summarized here:

      • Internationalisation
        As a whole, an international approach is needed in the entire project portfolio to create synergies and develop internationally connected research and innovation environments.
      • Competitiveness
        The program will contribute to strengthening industrial competitiveness and developing competitive transport solutions for a global market.
      • Digitalisation
        Digitization is an important enabler for realizing the overall impact goals and pervades all sub-programmes.
      • Equality and gender equality
        In order to create successful innovations, investments are needed that challenge norms and contribute to increased gender equality. The program wants to actively contribute to ensuring that equality perspectives are actively highlighted both within project group compositions and within research questions.
      • Tackle policy, regulations and technology
        To facilitate the development and implementation of technology, the development of policy and regulations needs to happen simultaneously.
      • Risk relief
        The program stands for risk relief for courageous development steps in a time of high rate of change. Incremental improvement in mature areas receives less focus.

      We see a clear need for a broader system perspective where traditional and new actors need to collaborate, test and drive development in order to increase the pace of innovation. In addition to new technology, changes to regulations, infrastructure, business models and behaviors are required.

      The concept of innovation includes both process, product and organizational innovations. An 'innovation' is thus the implementation of a new or significantly improved product such as a good or service, or process, a new marketing method or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.

      With the Circularity sub-programme, FFI wants to contribute to increasing competence within, and find concrete solutions for, challenges linked to circularity.

      Read more about circularity here

      Among other things, the sub-programme shall contribute to reduced climate emissions and energy use, more efficient use of resources and the phasing out of hazardous substances linked to the manufacture and decommissioning of vehicles.

      For the full content of the sub-program see FFI's roadmap

      This call for proposals covers all focus areas, but project proposals that address the focus area "Social sustainability throughout the value chain" are particularly encouraged.

      Vinnova is tasked with promoting sustainable growth and community development, and our efforts are aimed at achieving the Agenda 2030 goals.

      Read more about our work to contribute to the goals of Agenda 2030

      Climate and gender equality are singled out for special consideration. Vinnova also follows up and assesses whether both women and men equally share in the contribution, participate in and have influence over the project, as well as gender or gender aspects that are relevant.

      Another aspect involves analyzing and deciding whether there are gender or gender aspects that are relevant in connection with the project's problem area, solutions and utilization. This question is mandatory for all applicant and can be found under the heading " Project tasks". In this call for proposals the question is the basis for assessment under the potential criterion, section 7.

      Read more about what our work for equal innovation means for those of you who seek funding from us

      Results from research and innovation that are made freely available increase the opportunity for more people to contribute to solutions to societal challenges. The call for proposals should contribute to making more results freely available to everyone and scientific publication should take place with open access.

    • This the offer is addressed to all groups of actors, who together intend to develop innovative solutions to minimize climate and environmental impact from a life cycle perspective and strengthen sustainability through the entire value chain linked to the development, manufacture and decommissioning of vehicles. Stakeholder groups that intend to work with the focus area "Social sustainability in the entire value chain" are particularly encouraged in this call for proposals.

      Foreign actors may be relevant and possibly necessary to include as project partners in the project. If these actors do not have a branch or place of business in Sweden, they cannot receive support from Vinnova in this call for proposals.

    • This offer finances research and development activities, the aim of which is to contribute to one or more of the focus areas mentioned in section 1 within Circularity.

      Activities for which funding can be applied for

      Examples of activities for which it is possible to apply for funding are developing, testing and evaluating solutions and preparing for implementation and utilization.

      The types of project activities that are approved within the framework of this call for proposals must be covered by one of the support bases Feasibility study, Industrial research or Experimental development.

      On this page there is a short description of these support bases in Vinnova's tables of support levels for government support

      In other words, the development and innovation project must aim to develop and validate technology, methods, processes and business models. But also the conditions and strategy for spreading, scaling up and making use of the project's results.

      Funding to parties that do not conduct economic activities, for example research organizations, academia and actors in the public sector, funding is granted with support of regulation (2009:1101) with instructions for the Agency for innovation system. Such actors can be granted funding with up to 100 percent of the eligible costs.

      Eligible costs

      Our funding takes place through funding. Funding for organizations that carry out economic activities is covered by rules on state support. The rules govern, among other things, which types of costs and what proportion of them may be covered by funding.

      Read more about government support on our website

      For a cost to be eligible for support, it must be actual, auditable and incurred within the project period. Accounting for project costs must be distinguishable from the company's other transactions. This also applies to any parties who are not beneficiary.

      Which costs are eligible for support can be found in the Instructions for eligible costs which you can find here

      Please note the following special conditions for FFI regarding:

      • Personnel and salary costs: may amount to a maximum of SEK 950 per hour including indirect costs of a maximum of 30 percent.
    • How much funding a participant can be granted depends, among other things, on the size of the organization. The document table of support levels for government support clarifies what applies to various large organizations that carry out economic activities.

      Here you will find the table for support levels

      Each participant is responsible for ensuring that funding received does not exceed the aid intensity permitted according to the rules for state support. Please note that the maximum grant share per project is not the same as the maximum permitted support level per participant.

      The following conditions apply to the call for proposals:

      • Vinnova intends to grant funding of a maximum of 50 percent for the sub-programme. Each individual project must have at least 25 percent business financing.
      • All costs in the budget must meet Vinnova's eligibility requirements at eligible costs. See section 4.
      • Vinnova does not finance companies that are in financial difficulties.
    • Conditions for us to assess proposal

      We will only assess applications that meet the following formal eligibility requirements:

      • Beneficiary are legal entities with a Swedish corporate identity number. A Swedish legal person is equated in this respect to a foreign organization that has a branch or place of business in Sweden.e The costs in the project must be attributable to activitiesof the branch or place of business.
      • The actor constellation consists of at least two parties.
      • The project has not started before proposal is submitted.
      • Proposal is written in Swedish or English.
      • Applications must be received no later than 1:59 p.m. on the last application day via Vinnovas E-tjänster.

      When the application period has expired, completion of proposal can only take place at the request of Vinnova.

    • What do we assess?

      The project proposal must be in line with aim and vision for FFI's Roadmap and for the Circularity sub-programme. The applications will be assessed based on the main criteria potential, implementation, gender equality and actors, see below.
      Read more about FFI's Itinerary

      The scale 1-5 is used for grading:

      1. = Insufficient
      2. = Weak
      3. = Good
      4. = Very good
      5. = Excellent

      Criteria for full-scale project

      Potential (weighted 40 percent)
      • The project's potential to contribute to FFI's overall impact goalsthrough relevant issues and innovation level:
        - FFI has demonstrated solutions that make society's road transport fossil-free, safe, equal and efficient.
        - FFI has developed sustainable solutions that have been implemented and accepted by users and society.
        - Through innovation, partnership and collaboration, FFI has contributed to developing competence, infrastructure, policy, regulations and business models within the road transport system.
      • The project's potential to contribute to the sub-programme's mission as described in FFI's roadmap. If the project concerns a mature area: The project's potential to lead to major potential improvements in line with the vision in FFI's roadmap.
      • The project's potential to develop nationally and internationally connected research and innovation environments.
      Implementation (weighted 30 percent)
      • The project has a well-thought-out strategy for realizing the potential and for the dissemination and utilization of results.
      • The project takes its starting point from a solid monitoring of the surrounding world and a state-of-the-art description.
      • Expediency of the project plan:
        - Reasonable project time and budget for the problems to be solved.
        - Adequate project plan with activities, work packages, milestones, division of responsibilities, specific project goals and plans for how goal fulfillment is to be measured (indicators). This must also be compiled in the project's impact logic.
      Gender equality (weighted 15 percent)
      • Assessment of equality aspects such as gender or gender perspectives that may be important to take into account linked to the project's problem area, solutions and effects.
      • The composition of the team regarding gender distribution, as well as the distribution of power and influence between men and women.
      • Assessment of how well equality aspects have been integrated into the project plan.
      Actors (weighted 15 percent)
      • Assessment of whether the right organizations and need owners are involved to the right extent and at the right time to realize the project's potential.
      • The project participants' ability to carry out the project and achieve the project goals with regard to the composition of the project group and the competence and resources of the actors.
      • Assessment of whether there is a clear collaboration between the project's parties.

      Criteria for preliminary studies and minor studies

      Potential (weighted 50 percent)
      • The project's potential to contribute to the sub-programme's mission as described in FFI's roadmap.
      Implementation (weighted 30 percent)
      • The project's positioning in relation to the state of knowledge nationally and internationally.
      • The effectiveness of the project plan in terms of a reasonable project time and budget for the work to be carried out.
      Gender equality (weighted 10 percent)
      • Assessment of equality aspects such as gender or gender perspective can be important to take into account linked to the project's problem area, solutions and effects.
      • The composition of the team regarding gender distribution, as well as the distribution of power and influence between men and women.
      • Assessment of how well equality aspects have been integrated into the project plan.
      Actors (weighted 10 percent)
      • Assessment of whether the right organizations and need owners are involved to the right extent and at the right time to realize the project's potential.

      How do we judge?

      Proposal is assessed in competition with other received applications.

      Quality review of proposal is based on the electronic proposal submitted to Vinnova and is handled in the part program applied for.

      The decision process and handling of the applications is the same for all sub-programmes and looks as follows:

      1. Proposal are submitted via Vinnovas E-tjänster.
      2. The applications that meet the formal requirements are assessed by independent experts from relevant areas and industries based on specified assessment criteria. The evaluators are appointed by Vinnova and work under confidentiality and confidentiality.
      3. If clarification is needed, the project manager is contacted for additional and simpler questions digitally or by telephone in connection with the review meeting.
      4. The independent the evaluators give a balanced judgment and recommendation on rejection or approval, which is then processed by the program council in the respective sub-programme within FFI. The program council consists of representatives from the contracting parties within the FFI program such as Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Transport Administration, AB Volvo, Volvo Personvagnar, Scania and FKG. The program council also includes a representative from Mobility Sweden, but without voting rights. If necessary, Vinnova requests written supplements.
      5. The Program Council assesses the relevance of the application from a strategic perspective in relation to the current roadmap and submits a recommendation to the responsible public authority. The Program Council's recommendation is based on the content of proposal, a written assessment from the evaluators and any additions and comments from FFI's office.
      6. In case of disagreement, the matter is taken to FFI's board of directors for assessment.
      7. The decision to grant or reject the project application is made by Vinnova. The Swedish Transport Administration's decision is enforced by Vinnova.
    • About our decisions

      Within the call for proposals funding will be granted with support of several of the following regulations.

      For companies that conduct economic activities, it is with support of Regulation 2015:208 on support for research and development and innovation, as well as with support of Article 25 of the GBER. You will find these regulations on the page: State support for economic activities.

      Non-state support is granted to parties that do not conduct economic activities in accordance with § 5 of Ordinance 2015:208 on support for research and development and innovation.

      The basis for support appears in the decision and also governs which costs are eligible for support.

      Our decision to grant or reject a proposal cannot be appealed.

      Term for granted funding

      For granted funding, our general terms and conditions for fundingapply. The terms contain, among other things, rules about project agreements, conditions for payment, follow-up, reporting and utilization of results. Scientific publication must take place with open access in accordance with Vinnova's instructions.

      Current term and help to understand and meet the terms

      For project contracts note in particular that:

      • In accordance with the general conditions, it is required that a project agreement be drawn up. Please note that this only applies to full-scale project within FFI and is not mandatory for preliminary studies and smaller studies.
      • The agreement must be signed by all parties no later than the day on which the first progress report must be available to Vinnova.
      • Vinnova has no templates for project agreements, but Vinnova provides a general guide to help. Possibly, previously developed templates by the business partners within FFI may also be interesting to take inspiration from.
        On the Vehicle Components Group's website you will find more information and contact persons for any questions regarding the agreement.

      For everyone who is granted funding in this the call for proposals the following special conditions also apply:

      Reporting and follow-up:
      • Reporting and follow-up must take place in accordance with decisions, templates and special instructions that can be found on FFI's website.
      • The project must be represented at the seminars or program conferences that Vinnova and FFI will organize and call during the project period. Costs for participation in such a seminar or program conference are eligible for support. Upon request, the coordinator for the project must provide Vinnova and FFI with image and text material for project catalogues, annual reports and the like.
      Eligible costs
      • Instead of § 6 in Vinnova's general terms and conditions the eligible staff cost of Participant who is not a university or university college may be calculated at a maximum of SEK 950 per hour, including indirect costs of a maximum of 30 percent. Additional surcharges for indirect costs may therefore not be made.
      Indication that the project was financed by the FFI programme.
      • The following replaces § 7.3 of Vinnova's general terms and conditions for funding: In information about the project and in every publication of project results, it must be stated that the work was carried out with support from the program Fordonsstrategisk Forskning and Innovation, FFI.

      Supplementary special conditions can be decided for individual project.

      If you do not follow our term, you may be liable for a refund. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or with too high an amount.

    • This is how you apply

      To apply for funding, you fill in a web-based form in Vinnova's e-service for applications, which you can find via the button Apply here.

      There you also upload the following attachments:

      1. Project description according to template for preliminary studies and smaller studies, alternatively full-scale project.
      2. CV attachment containing relevant CVs for project manager and all key personnel, according to the template.
      3. Effect logic according to template, maximum 1 page. Applies only to full-scale project.
      4. Final report from a previously funded project if proposal is based on a previously funded project.

      Proposal must only contain the mandatory appendices, except for applications that are based on previously funded project when a preliminary or final report on goal fulfillment can be submitted. All mandatory appendices must follow the structure found in the respective template.

      For the project description:applies

      • For pre-studies and smaller studies:Maximum 5 pages with 11-point font size excluding cover page, summary and table of contents.
      • For full-scale project: Maximum 15 pages in 11 point font size excluding cover page, summary and table of contents.

      Keep in mind that it takes time to make a proposal. You can start filling in information, save and continue at a later time. When proposal is ready, you mark it as done. You can completely unlock proposal and make changes at any time, right up until the application deadline.

      Please mark proposal well in advance before the call for proposals closes.

      When the call for proposals has closed and proposal has been registered with Vinnova, a confirmation will be sent out by e-mail to you who are responsible for the user account, project manager and company signatory or head of department. It may take a few hours before you receive the email.

      If you have not received a confirmation by e-mail within 24 hours after the call for proposals has closed, please contact us.

      When the application period has expired, completion of proposal can only take place upon request from us.

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Download document templates for your attachments

    Here you can download templates for the attachments you need to attach in proposal, for example CV template or project description template.

    Templates and guidance - FFI - Road transport innovations for a sustainable society (

    This happens when the call for proposals is closed

    When your proposal has been registered, we email a confirmation to the person responsible for the user account as well as to the project manager and the signatory. This may take a few hours after the call for proposals closes. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours after the call for proposals closes, please contact us.

    When the call for proposals is closed, you cannot change or fill in any new information. Then you can only supplement your proposal if we ask for it.

    Who can read your proposal?

    Applications submitted to us become public documents. But we do not disclose information about the business, inventions or research results if it can be assumed that someone will suffer financial damage if the information is shown.

    This means that we must hand over the documents if someone requests them. But we keep confidential the information that we judge could mean financial damage if it is disclosed.

    This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    Apply here

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Lena Dalsmyr


    +46 8 473 31 61

    Tero Stjernstoft


    +46 8 473 32 96

    Lars Resman

    Kontaktperson för utlysningen

    +46 8 473 31 99

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    Reference number 2023-03867