FFI's mission is to drive road transport research and innovations for a sustainable society. The program has a roadmap that sets the direction towards 2030. The long-term vision is for Sweden to lead the global transition to sustainable road transport.
Three objectives guide the work:
- FFI demonstrates solutions that make society's road transport fossil-free, safe, equitable and efficient.
- FFI develops sustainable solutions that are implemented and accepted by users and society.
- FFI contributes, through innovation, partnership and collaboration, to developing expertise, infrastructure, new technology, regulations and business models within the road transport system.
With the Transport and Mobility Services sub-programme, FFI wants to help finance innovation and research projects that contribute to making transport and mobility solutions more efficient within the challenges below. The projects seeking funding should address one or more of the challenges.
To meet climate challenges, society needs to switch to fossil-free and resource-efficient transportation, both for personal mobility, goods, housing construction and other public services. In addition to a transition to fossil-free energy sources, better use of today's infrastructure is required and this requires increased efficiency in the system. To be able to do this, we need to understand how the system as a whole works, be able to identify where sub-optimizations exist, and design the system so that the components together contribute to more optimal overall solutions. A consequence of a more efficient system is also lower costs, increased competitiveness and less energy and material consumption. Digitalization plays a central role here and contributes, among other things, to better integration and collaboration between vehicles, modes of transport, infrastructure, business ecosystems and between commercial actors, people and society. Furthermore, servitization and sharing of resources are also important factors that clearly contribute to increased efficiency.
Equality and accessibility
Equal accessibility means equal accessibility to work, housing, community services, leisure activities and deliveries. In working towards a socially sustainable transport system, it is therefore important to increasingly take into account the needs and conditions of different user groups, as well as the transport needs of the business community.
Functioning transportation for people and goods is one of the cornerstones of society and must also function in changing circumstances, vulnerable situations or disruptions. A resilient and reliable transport system must also be able to recover from disruptions. Within this area, there is great development potential to, with the help of data analytics, AI, digital twins and other innovative technology, develop new functionality for a safe and resilient system that prepares for tomorrow's resource-efficient transport system. This also includes cybersecurity as an important aspect to consider within the digital infrastructure.
In addition to the defined challenges, applicant should integrate different aspects of system innovation and include two or more system perspectives; which in addition to technology involves new forms of collaboration, business innovation, behavioral change or policy testing.
Within the sub-programme there are a number of focus areas that address the identified challenges, but applicant can also address other areas that are relevant:
- Vehicle technologies and infrastructure.
- Transport-efficient freight and mobility transport solutions.
- User-centered development.
- Methods and tools.
- Services and business models.
- Governance and regulations.
Please read more about the sub-program and each focus area in FFI's Roadmap
Contribute to a sustainable system transformation
Vinnova is tasked with promoting sustainable growth and system transformation. To implement sustainable system transformation, we have chosen to base ourselves on the UN's global sustainability goals, defined in the 2030 Agenda. There, Vinnova prioritizes two perspectives: gender equality and climate change. All initiatives and project we finance are assessed based on how they contribute to these perspectives.
We therefore always follow up and assess:
- whether women and men participate in the project on an equal footing, benefit from the contribution and have influence and power over the project
- how well the project analyzes and decides whether there are sex or gender aspects that are relevant to the project's problem formulation, solutions and effects
Gender-equal innovation – what it means for those seeking funding from us
Agenda 2030 as a driver for innovation
Making scientific publications and results available
When results from research and innovation are made freely available, more people can contribute to solving societal challenges. This the call for proposals will help make results available to everyone. Therefore, all scientific publishing should be open access.