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Competence centers within Sustainable industry and Digital transformation 2022

In this the offer we finance competence centers where different parties in the areas Sustainable industry and Digital transformation collaborates to develop new knowledge in the field. This knowledge must be able to be used in business or society to provide new products, processes or models. Academics, research institutes, business and the public sector can apply in constellations where academia or research institutes must be the coordinating party.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

To create new internationally competitive centers withinSsustainable industry and Digital transformation with the task of implementing needs-motivated excellent research in collaboration.

Who can apply?

The Coordinator should be a university, university college or research institute. Together with companies and / or public activities or other universities, university colleges or institutes such as participant.

How much can you apply for?

Vinnova plans to grant a maximum of 9 competence centers. Vinnova contributes 1/3 of the financing for a center where Vinnova´s share is planned to be SEK 4 million for year 1 and SEK 8 million for years 2-5.

Important dates

During the information meetings, we tell you more about the call for proposals, and there is an opportunity to ask questions. We also have the option of having additional information meetings for a grouping of actors if needed.

  • The call in detail

    • This call for proposals is aimed at groups of actors with a common vision and strategic idea for building an excellent research environment. The offer refers to research areas that have great applicability within Vinnova's areas Sustainable industry or Digital transformation and where the participating the actors can demonstrate that the knowledge developed in the environment can be widely used in business and society.

      This is how Vinnova is changing for a sustainable future

      The coordinator must be a university, a university college or a research institute applying together with companies and/or public organisations. We see positively that other universities and research institutes are active project partners in the competence centre.

      Swedish industry has the potential to take a leading role in the transition to a more sustainable society, both within and outside the country's borders. Therefore, funded competence centers are expected to actively work with international collaboration, for example within the European research and innovation programs and other global collaborations related to Sustainable industry or Digital transformation.

      Vinnova plans to approve a maximum of nine competence centers, five in the area ofSustainable industryand four in the area ofDigital transformation.

      A competence center is financed to one-third by Vinnova, one-third (or more) by university/ university college/institute and one-third (or more) by business/public sector. Only universities/ university college/institutes can be recipients of funding from Vinnova.

      The program offers the possibility of funding for up to 10 years. After a first stage of 5 years, an independent evaluation is made and Vinnova can offer a second financing stage of up to 5 years, based on the results of the evaluation and Vinnova's current priorities. Vinnova expects an increased share of funding from industry during the second funding stage.

      Vinnova's funding for a competence center amounts to a maximum of SEK 4 million in the first year and a maximum of SEK 8 million per year during the following 4 years of the first stage. In a second funding phase, Vinnova's funding amounts to a maximum of SEK 8 million per year during the first 4 years and a maximum of SEK 4 million in the last year.

    • World-class Research and innovation are needed to develop knowledge and skills that contribute to sustainable development and Swedish competitiveness.

      The Swedish industry has shown the potential to lead the transition to a more sustainable and climate-neutral industry both within and outside the country's borders and at the same time has been able to be globally competitive. Individual companies or companies in close cooperation, especially those that cover large parts of the value chains, have the opportunity through a cohesive approach to make the necessary changes for continued Swedish global competitiveness.

      There are several internationally visible industrial ventures in Sweden where former competence centers have played an important role for access to competence and relevant research results.

      With the financing, we want to contribute to Vinnova's areas Sustainable industry and Digital transformation by, in this effort:

      • contribute to Sweden being globally competitive when it comes to developing knowledge, skills and abilities for a sustainable transition.
      • contribute to Sweden being an active nation in the application of enabling key technologies for sustainable transition.

      Vinnova is tasked with promoting sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation. Improved conditions for innovation strengthen the capacity to reach the goals for sustainable development in Agenda 2030. Through our efforts, we contribute to the global commitment to reach the goals.

      Our work to contribute to the goals of Agenda 2030

      Sweden has a good starting point and also has the ambition to take a leading role in the work to reach the global sustainability goals. Internationally competitive research and innovation environments have the opportunity to contribute to achieving the global goals and reach a sustainable future.

      Cooperation, pooling of forces and innovation will be decisive for reaching the goals in Agenda 2030. With this call for proposals, we want to get more people to develop their innovative capacity in collaboration and create new solutions that contribute to the goals, within the framework of the priorities of the call.

      One part of this is investments in competence centers where we want to stimulate business, the public sector and academia (universities, university college and research institutes) to jointly conduct excellent research- and innovation activities within a selected research area. The program takes its starting point from similar investments at Vinnova, e.g. The competence center program (between the years 1995-2007) and VINN Excellence Centerprogrammet (started in 2004).

      Vinnova wishes to see competence centers in strong collaboration with surrounding academic environments and relevant industries. The expectation is that the working methods, knowledge, skills and experiences generated will benefit more than the centre's project partners. Each competence center must have clear models and plans for how to best achieve this.

      Gender equality is a prerequisite for sustainable growth. It constitutes one of the sustainability goals in Agenda 2030, but it is also a perspective that should permeate the work with all objective. The call for proposals must therefore contribute to equal societal development linked to women and men taking part in the contribution and participating in and having influence over the competence center in an equal way.

      Results from research and innovation that are made freely available give more people the opportunity to contribute to solutions to societal challenges. A competence center should contribute to making more results freely available to everyone and scientific publication should be done with open access.

    • A competence center that is granted must conduct needs-motivated excellent research through active collaboration between all the centre's project parties. The project parties in a competence center are expected, in addition to cooperating within the center, to also cooperate with the surrounding relevant environment both nationally and internationally. The activities conducted within a center must result in new or strengthened networks as well as access to new knowledge and skills that meet the needs of business and the rest of society.

      A competence center needs to have a clear picture of how it is positioned in relation to existing investments, for example in the form of strategic research areas and innovation areas, existing center investments and research financed via faculty funds. The competence center must be able to show how the activity complements or reinforces previous and ongoing investments.

      Furthermore, the competence center must demonstrate the potential to create or strengthen lasting structures and networks to spread knowledge and experience outside the center's organization. This is, for example, through training for both students and researchers as well as skills development for professionals or personnel mobility between organizations in the area.

      A competence center can be offered funding for up to 10 years. An approved competence center will receive support for 5 years in a first stage. After evaluation, Vinnova can offer a second funding stage of up to 5 years, based on the results of the evaluation and Vinnova's then current priorities. Vinnova expects an increased share of funding from industry during the second funding stage.

      Competence centers that are not offered funding in a second stage will be granted up to SEK 4 million as a lump sum for winding down the activities financed by Vinnova.


      Internationalization means, among other things, gaining access to important knowledge and innovation environments in the world as well as to knowledge, talent and technology, as well as collaboration with relevant partners within the center's research area.

      For competence centres, this means, among other things, continuously doing external analyzes to identify strategically interesting international research- and development environments to collaborate with in order to cover needs for relevant competences and networks.

      The competence centers that are granted must be internationally prominent in their research area and have an action plan to increase international attraction and competition.

      Against the background of the above, Vinnova views positively that a competence center consists of both Swedish and international parties. Funding from international companies can be included in the industry's share of the budget. However, only parties with a branch or place of business in Sweden can receive any part of Vinnova's support.

      Small and medium-sized companies in a competence center

      Vinnova considers it advantageous that a competence center includes both large and small companies and therefore encourages knowledge-intensive small and medium-sized companies to participate in this effort.


      Experience from previous competence center initiatives shows that a well-functioning competence center requires active leadership, both via the center leader and the center board, and an active collaboration between relevant parties in business, academia and public activities. The management of a center must demonstrate that they have the ability to create a culture to get individuals and teams to function and deliver, as well as to develop and grow.

      Gender equality

      Vinnova and all higher education institutions have an equality integration mission with the aim of contributing to achieving the gender equality policy goal that women and men should have the same power to shape society and their own lives. In addition, research shows that equal innovation and research is not only a matter of rights and democracy, but can also mean added value in the form of competence, quality and relevance of results, strengthened innovative capacity and new business opportunities.

      Gender equality is a prerequisite for sustainable growth and is found in Agenda 2030 as an objective in itself, but also as a perspective that should permeate the work with all objective. The call for proposals should therefore contribute to an equal social development linked to two main perspectives:

      • One perspective is about both women and men taking part in the contribution and participating in and having influence over the project in an equal way.
      • The second perspective is about the project analyzing and deciding whether there are equality aspects (sex or gender) that are relevant within the solution's problem area and usefulness.

      Equal innovation for those looking for funding

      The Central Board must have a balanced gender distribution, i.e. of the board's members, at least 40 percent must be women and at least 40 percent men.

    • In this call for proposals, Vinnova strives to create strong international research environments that can strengthen research areas applicable within Vinnova's areas Sustainable industry or Digital transformation.

      The results from competence centers in the area ofSustainable industry are expected to contribute to enabling knowledge and/or technology within one or more of Sustainable Industry's four focus areas, i.e. Climate neutral and circular production, Resource efficient and resilient value chains, Global competitiveness and A socially sustainable industry.

      Sustainable industry Vinnova

      The results from competence centers in the area Digital transformation are expected to contribute to enabling knowledge and/or technology for sustainable digital transformation. Priority is given in the areas of robust and secure infrastructure, data as a strategic resource, federated machine learning, advanced mathematical methods, future advanced communication systems such as 6G and processes and methods for the development of semiconductor components.

      System design of semiconductors is not included in this call for proposals, the area is supported by SSF's effort Semiconductor System Design (SeSyDe).

      Digital transformation | Vinnova

      Competence centers granted in this call for proposals are expected to complement existing competence centers within Vinnova.

      Competence center strengthens Sweden's competitiveness | Vinnova

      Results- and impact goals

      Vinnova has set up results- and impact goals that are expected to arise in the 1-5 year term and be fulfilled by the center at the 5-year evaluation. The short-term impact goals are expected to occur in 5–10 years and the long-term impact goals in more than 10 years. These are described below in more detail.

      Performance targets (in the short term) are:

      • That the competence center has scientific excellence of a high international standard through publications and patents
      • That the competence center conducts needs-driven research in active collaboration with relevant parties
      • That the competence center applies innovative ways of leading and organizing cooperation within the center and the surrounding environment
      • That knowledge-intensive SMEs actively participate in the competence center, by being involved in the research projects conducted in the center
      • That the parties have trust in each other, which can/should be expressed in a continuous flow of knowledge between the parties and access to strategic contacts with the parties
      • An increased national and international exchange of both knowledge and people, both between academia/academy and between industry/academy (in both directions)

      Impact goals in the shorter term (after 5 years) for the program are:

      • That there are excellent research environments of strategic importance, i.e. they have a clear position in the research area and are important for the parties to develop and maintain their competitiveness
      • That the competence center has a continuous surveillance of the surrounding world and gets increased access to strategic contacts through expanded networks
      • That the knowledge-intensive SMEs that participate have a better competitive ability
      • Access to individuals with strategic competence, i.e. skills that meet the needs of companies and the rest of society
      • That there are relevant courses at universities and university college through an interaction between education, research and innovation, so that the content of the courses takes into account the needs of business and the rest of society

      The long-term impact goals (after 10 years or more) of the program are:

      • That excellent research is utilized in business and society
      • That the competence center activities complement and add value to existing investments in the innovation system
      • That need-motivated sustainable innovations have been developed that stand up in an international perspective
      • Att FoU-investeringar is attracted to and can be retained in Sweden through the competence center's activities
      • That there is access to skills that meet the needs of companies and the rest of society

      Evaluation and follow-up

      The competence centers that are granted funds within the program will be followed up annually by Vinnova via annual reporting. In addition, a follow-up will be done during year 2 and an independent evaluation with international evaluator after 5 years.

      The annual follow-up will take place by each center manager submitting a report on the competence center activities and answering an overall survey linked to it. In addition, all parties participating in the center must answer a small questionnaire sent to them. The questionnaires will be compiled and form part of the basis for the independent evaluation that takes place after 5 years.

      The follow-up during the center's second year of operation will focus on how the organization and associated processes work within the competence center. It is done to identify if there is a need for changes or support measures for the organization to function optimally.

      The evaluation after 5 years is done by specially appointed international evaluator from relevant areas and industries against specified assessment criteria. The evaluators are appointed by Vinnova and work under confidentiality and confidentiality and base their assessment on a compilation of the indicators used in the questionnaires for the annual report, a self-evaluation from the center and interviews with the center's representatives. Vinnova has the option of offering a second financing period in 5 years, based on the results of the evaluation and Vinnova's then current priorities. Vinnova expects an increased share of funding from industry during the second funding period in 5 years.

    • The call for proposals is aimed at groups of actors with a common vision and strategic idea for building a research environment based on excellent research. The offer refers to research areas that have great applicability within Vinnova's areas Sustainable industry or Digital transformation and where the the actors involved can demonstrate that the knowledge developed in the environment can be utilized by business and society.

      Coordinator must be a university, a university college or a research institute and they apply together with companies and/or public activities. We look positively on interdisciplinary approaches and that other universities and institutes are partners in the competence centre.

      It is of great importance that the coordinating project party (coordinator) can demonstrate that the proposal is in line with the overall strategy of the university, college or research institute.

      International project partners are welcome to participate in a competence center but cannot be coordinating participant. Foreign organizations must have a branch or place of business in Sweden in order to receive funding from Vinnova.

    • funding Activities for which funding can be sought

      Vinnova's grant shall primarily finance needs-driven research at universities or research institutes where a limited portion can be used for infrastructure on which the center is dependent. A smaller part can be used for coordination work in the centre. The coordination may include costs for all types of center meetings and for the dissemination of research results.

      Eligible costs

      Our funding takes place through funding. Funding for organizations that carry out economic activities is covered by rules on state support.

      The rules govern, among other things, which types of costs and what proportion of them may be covered by funding.

      State support for economic activities (enterprises)

      Rules for which costs are eligible

      Funding for universities, university college and research institutes is granted as non-state aid in accordance with regulation (2009:1101) with instructions for the Agency for innovation system.

      Funding will be granted with a maximum of 33 percent aid intensity and a maximum of SEK 36 million per project for the first funding stage.

      For a cost to be eligible for support, the following must be met:

      • The cost must be actual and can be proven, which means that it must have been incurred and can be found in the accounting of the project party.
      • It must have been incurred by the project party, which means that the participant may only cover their own costs.
      • It must have arisen during the project period shown in the decision.
      • It must be recorded and determined in accordance with the project party's usual accounting principles and good accounting practice.
      • It must be reasonable and incurred solely for the implementation of the project, which means that the cost must be reasonable, proportionate and necessary for the implementation of the activities in the project
      • It must be in accordance with the project party's internal policies and guidelines, especially with regard to environmental and climate impact.
      • In order for the costs to be eligible for support, it also applies that they must be reported to Vinnova in the final report at the latest.
      • Personnel costs that arise in connection with the completion of the final report must be considered to have occurred during the project period and be attributable to the project and are thus eligible for support.

      For more information on eligible costs.

      How much funding is provided?

      Vinnova intends to grant a maximum of nine competence centers, five in the area ofSustainable industry and four in the area ofDigital transformation.

      A competence center is financed to one-third by Vinnova, one-third (or more) by university/ university college/institute and one-third (or more) by business/public sector. Only universities/ university college/institutes can be recipients of funding from Vinnova.

      The program offers the possibility of funding for up to 10 years. After the first stage of 5 years, an independent evaluation is made and Vinnova can offer a second financing stage of up to 5 years, based on the results of the evaluation and Vinnova's current priorities. Vinnova expects an increased share of funding from industry during the second funding stage.

      Vinnova's funding for a competence center amounts to a maximum of SEK 4 million in the first year and a maximum of SEK 8 million per year during the following 4 years of the first stage. In a second funding phase, Vinnova's funding amounts to a maximum of SEK 8 million per year during the first 4 years and a maximum of SEK 4 million in the last year.

      Vinnova's part of the financing is conditional, i.e. it requires that both the actor group university/ university college/institute and the actor group industry/public sector contribute at least the equivalent amount.

    • We will only assess applications that meet the following formal eligibility requirements:

      • The coordinator is a university, a university college or a research institute with significant research in the relevant field.
      • The competence center's project parties are legal entities.
      • Proposal strictly follows the instructions under the heading "How to apply". No attachments are permitted other than those specified in the instructions. References to web pages will not be considered.
      • The project description must be written in the template available under the heading "Download templates for attachments". The project description must not exceed 25 pages of 12-point text. The main headings must be followed strictly.
      • CV must be written in the template available under the heading "Download templates for attachments". Business and the public sector must attach a CV for one person per participant and research actors a CV for each of them who are considered to be key persons in proposal.
      • Declarations of intent must be included from all participating project parties in the proposal and must be written in the template available under the heading "Download templates for appendices".
      • The coordinated project party must have a letter of intent signed by an authorized representative of the organization written in the template available under the heading "Download templates for annexes". The statement of intent must clearly state how the proposal fits into the organization's overall strategy.
      • Proposal must contain a budget where the stakeholder groups university/ university college/institute and business/public sector individually contribute financially with at least the equivalent amount requested from Vinnova.

      Applications received in Swedish will be translated into English by Vinnova.

      After the call for proposals has been closed, additions can only be made at the request of Vinnova.

    • What is assessed?

      In a first step, the applications are assessed against the assessment criteria by an international expert group consisting of specially appointed evaluator appointed by Vinnova.

      After that, specially appointed and appointed by Vinnova evaluator with general center competence (generalists) will evaluate the applications.

      Based on the assessments of the generalists and experts, a number of applicant groups will then be invited to an interview with the generalists and Vinnova.

      After interviews, Vinnova decides which applications will be granted.

      Vinnova's decision will be based on the recommendation of the international expert group and generalists. Furthermore, the subject-wise distribution of centers will be taken into account, both within the program and in relevant parts of Vinnova's project portfolio.

      Proposal must be in line with the aim and objective of the call for proposals. This will be assessed using the criteria below.

      Potential (i.e. the importance of the results and effects if the competence center is successful)
      • The competence center's potential to contribute to the call's resultsand impact goals.
      • The competence center's potential to strengthen research areas applicable within Vinnova's areas Sustainable industry or Digital transformation.
      • The positioning of the proposed center in relation to similar centers and initiatives internationally.
      • The competence center's potential to create new networks and structures to cooperate with its surrounding environment.
      • The competence center's potential to support the development of high-quality educations that are well adapted to future eligibility requirements.
      • The competence center's potential to promote that research is used in business and society and thereby contribute to increased competitiveness and societal benefit.
      • The competence center's potential to use, strengthen and supplement existing resources and organizations within the current research area.
      • The competence center's positioning in relation to the higher education institution's and/or research institute's overall priorities.
      • The potential of the project results to contribute to increased gender equality.
      • The competence center's potential to contribute to sustainable social development in accordance with the UN's global objective in Agenda 2030.
      Actors (i.e. who the project parties and other actors are and how the cooperation between them is organized to run the competence center and achieve the center's results- and impact goals)
      • The parties' composition, competence, ability (scientific excellence in an international perspective), and ambition to strengthen the research area and achieve the competence center objective and vision.
      • Relevant participation of small and medium-sized enterprises.
      • The competence, ability and commitment of the center director and management to manage and organize the centre.
      • How well the team (key people) is composed with regard to gender distribution and the distribution of power and influence between women and men.
      Feasibility (ie how the competence center has been designed to achieve its results and impact goals)
      • To what extent the project description shows that the competence center's implementation plan is
      • suitable for the centre objective and ambitions.
      • logical and reasonable in terms of available resources (budget, skills, equipment, etc.) in relation to what is to be done.
      • Plan for how the competence center will contribute to the utilization of excellent research in business and society.
      • Plan to strengthen national and international cooperation.
      • Plan for how the competence center will realize the potential to contribute to sustainable societal development in accordance with the UN's global objective in Agenda 2030.
      • How well equality aspects have been integrated into the project plan.
    • About our decisions

      How much each party in the project is granted in funding appears in the decision. Our decision to grant or reject a proposal cannot be appealed.

      Term for granted funding

      For granted funding, our general terms and conditions for funding apply. The terms contain, among other things, rules on project agreements, conditions for payment, follow-up, reporting and utilization of results.

      Our rules and term for funding

      For everyone who is granted funding in this the call for proposals, the following special conditions also apply:

      A competence center must have a center manager and a center board.

      Center Director
      The center must have a center director ( project manager for the center's activities) who is appointed by the project parties. The coordinator is responsible for the center director as for the project manager (cf. § 1.6 third paragraph of Vinnova's general terms and conditions for funding).

      Center Board
      The center must have a center board with decision-making rights over the direction of research at the centre. The center board must actively work for the center's interests. It must consist of at least five (5) members, of which at least half, including the chairman, must come from business or non-academic activities. The central board must have a balanced gender distribution, i.e. of the board's members, at least 40 percent must be women and at least 40 percent men.

      The central board must draw up a working order with, among other things, rules for when and how board meetings must be held and how notices must be given, when the board is ready to make a decision and how decisions must be made.

      Minutes must be kept of the Central Board's meetings.

      Vinnova has the right to participate as an observer at the centre's board meetings.

      The center board must continuously inform all project parties about research results that arise within the center's operations and about other circumstances of importance for the center's operations, such as delays or obstacles in the implementation of the research program.

      The center board must approve new parties who will enter into the center agreement.

      Transparency for project parties
      The center board and the center director must, at the request of the participant, provide information about the activities at the center, if it is deemed possible to do so without risk of harm to another participant.

      Participant has the right to access accounts and other documents relating to the center's activitieshimself or through an authorized accountant, to the extent necessary for the party to be able to assess the center's (results unit) financial situation and the management of funds. The coordinator shall, free of charge, assist such participant to a reasonable extent.

      Center agreement

      The activities of a competence center must be regulated in an agreement between the university/ university college/institute that is the organizational domicile of the competence centre, participating companies and public parties. The agreement shall regulate the rights and obligations of the parties and be signed periodically (5 years).

      The agreement must be signed by all parties before the competence center can start. In the start report, the Coordinator must indicate the date on which the center agreement was concluded. It is possible to use the draft model agreement available under the heading "Download templates for attachments".

      For a small company, it can be difficult to make a commitment for a full contract period of 5 years. Vinnova invites applicant to develop agreements and governance models that enable participation in the center for a limited period.

      Funding and costs
      University/ the university college/institute (U/H/I) must at least have its own funding that corresponds to Vinnova's grant amount. Other parties must at least have their own funding which together with any cash funds to U/H/I correspond to Vinnova's contribution amount. I U/H/I's own funding does not include cash from other parties.

      Reporting to Vinnova
      The coordinator must report in accordance with Vinnova's decisions and instructions. In addition, the Coordinator must continuously and without request send invitations to and minutes from the center board meetings to Vinnova. The coordinator must, at Vinnova's request, send copies of agreements or other documents of importance to the center's activities. Remuneration for an external member of the center board must be reported separately (remuneration for a person who is employed by the participant is not paid, on the other hand, such board work constitutes a personnel cost.

      Program conference and meetings
      Granted centers must be represented by at least one participant at program conferences or similar activities organized by Vinnova during the project period. Costs for participation in such a program conference are eligible for support.

      The meetings and other arrangements organized by Vinnova with the exchange of experience and learning as aim, are mandatory as long as nothing else is stated. The center management must attend these events.

      The special conditions will be used for granted competence centers and they will be entered in connection with the decision.

      Supplementary special conditions can be decided for individual projects project.

      If you do not comply with our term, you may be liable for a refund. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or with an amount that is too high.

    • Appendix 1, Effect logic


    • Date
      17 May 2022
      17 May 2022
      16 May 2022

    Documentation from information meeting

    Infomöte 6 sep.pdf (pdf, 7195 kB)

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Download document templates for your attachments

    Here you can download templates for the attachments you need to attach in proposal, for example CV template or project description template. There is also a model agreement, as well as instructions for the model agreement, to download that you can use at a later stage for drawing up a center agreement.

    Template Projectdescription - KC 2024 - rev (docx, 33 kB) Anvisning modellavtal - KC 2024 (pdf, 296 kB) Modellavtal - KC 2024 (doc, 108 kB) Template CV - KC 2024 (doc, 74 kB) Template Letter of intent - main applicant - KC 2024 (docx, 78 kB) Template Letter of intent - KC 2024 (docx, 77 kB) Hjälptext Budgetförklaring - KC 2024 (pdf, 1269 kB) Template Budget - KC 2024 (xlsx, 27 kB)

    This happens when the announcement is closed

    When your proposal has been registered, we email a confirmation to the person responsible for the user account as well as to the project manager and the signatory. This may take a few hours after the announcement closes. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours of the call closing, please contact us.

    When the call is closed, you cannot change or fill in any new information. Then you can only supplement your proposal if we ask for it.

    Who can read your proposal?

    Applications submitted to us become public documents. But we do not disclose information about the business, inventions or research results if it can be assumed that someone will suffer financial damage if the information is shown.

    This means that we must hand over the documents if someone requests them. But we keep confidential the information that we judge could mean financial damage if it is disclosed.

    This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Jeannette Dypbukt

    Handläggare, Digital omställning - Vinnova

    + 46 8 473 3252

    Mats Jarekrans

    Utlysningsansvarig handläggare, Hållbar industri - Vinnova

    + 46 8 473 3185

    Fund­ed pro­jects

    Reference number 2022-00909