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- Eurostars
Eurostars hösten 2025
Eurostars hösten 2025
Eurostars riktar sig främst till innovativa små och medelstora företag som ingår i internationella projekt. Det går att söka finansiering för utveckling av marknadsnära processer, produkter och tjänster. Via internationellt samarbete ger Eurostars tillgång till ny kunskap, samarbeten och möjligheter att testa nya marknader.
The offer in brief
What can you apply for?
Development of a product, service or process that is expected to be on the market within two years of completing the project. Exceptions are made for clinical trials and certification processes.
Who can apply?
Companies, academia, research institutes and the public sector that have an international cooperation project with at least one other Eurostars country. The company´s net sales or equity must correspond to at least half of the requested amount.
How much can you apply for?
Up to SEK 5 million, but a maximum of SEK 2 million if no Swedish small and medium-sized companies participate.
Viktiga datum
JUL 2025
Planning to open
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Team Eurostars
Reference number 2025-00168