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Global trends with local effects

Swedish Life Science Industry 1998-2012

Bokomslag Global trends with local effects

Global trends with local effects

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Within its framework of strategic monitoring Vinnova has embarked on a series of analyses of trends for several branches of industry. Parameters examined include business structure, strategic areas for renewal and cooperation in research, and innovation. On-going or recently completed studies include: Life Science, Automotive; Chemicals; Mines and minerals; Metals; Maritime; Pulp and paper; Information and communications technology; Environmental Technology, Energy and finally, Consultancies. The studies are conducted using the same overall methodology, but with certain adaptations to suit the specific characteristics of each branch. Vinnova intends to supplement these studies with analyses of other branches of industry as well as additional aspects of the innovation systems while taking an international context into consideration. Furthermore these studies will be updated in order to reveal trends, renewals and structural alterations. The present study analyses businesses in the Life Science industry. 

The present analysis has been based on previous studies of the Life Science industry. The work has been carried out in close co-operation with stakeholders in the innovation system and during the process several interviews have been carried out in order to complement the empirical data. The processes and their results are an important part of the Vinnova dialogue with the regions and the value Vinnova can offer back to them. The factual material is intended for use in strategic discussions by various stakeholders and stakeholder clusters. In addition to the reports, it is intended to create databases of the collected information, as well as a graphic interface for the presentation of results from the database. This, in turn, will enable the creation of presentations that can be adapted for different contexts and intentions.

Download Appendix - List of companies

VA 2014:03
Anna Sandström - Vinnova
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Senast uppdaterad 15 december 2022