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Utveckla transparenta PEDOT:PSS elektroder med hög konduktivitet för helt i plast organisk elektronik på stora ytor

Koordinator Linköpings universitet - Linköping University
Bidrag från Vinnova 1 498 292 kronor
Projektets löptid januari 2017 - december 2018
Status Avslutat

Viktiga resultat som projektet gav

As for this project, we have three aims listed as following: 1)Developing novel method for fabricating and processing high conductive micrometer level thick PEDOT:PSS electrodes. 2)Deepen understanding of PEDOT:PSS conductive mechanism by investigating the spatial arrangement of PEDOT and PSS in the composite polymers. 3)Fabricating high performance metal-free organic solar cells, foldable integrated photocapacitor and thermoelectric generators by employing this PEDOT:PSS film.

Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas

We developed a novel method of fabricating micrometer-level thick PEDOT:PSS film with a record conductivity over 2500 S/cm and low sheet resistance under 1 ohm/Sq (Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 1700496, 1-8.). A record output power density of 99 ± 18.7 µW cm2 was obtained from the thermoelectric generator based on this PEDOT:PSS film. Furthermore, this thick PEDOT:PSS film was used to fabricate large area organic solar cells as top electrode and metal-free foldable integrated photocapacitor (IPC) as common electrode (Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2017, 1700704, 1-8.).

Upplägg och genomförande

Firstly, a novel method has been developed for fabricating highly conductive thick PEDOT:PSS films. Secondly, SEM, temperature-dependent XRD, GIWAXS and conductivity measurements are employed for investigating the PEDOT and PSS arrangement and electric properties. Third, high performance organic electronic devices and energy devices have been achieved by preparing large area metal-free organic solar cells, foldable integrated photocapacitor and thermoelectric generator.

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Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2016-04112

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