Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer: Immunoaffinity-Proteomics
Diarienummer | |
Koordinator | Karolinska institutet - Institutionen för onkologi-patologi |
Bidrag från Vinnova | 1 999 821 kronor |
Projektets löptid | oktober 2010 - mars 2014 |
Status | Avslutat |
Viktiga resultat som projektet gav
The original aim of the project is elucidating the mechanism of heterogonous lung cancer using proteomics approach. Since fresh samples were hardly collected, the plan has been changed for the establishment of comprehensive proteomics method for small amount of cell samples. A meter-long monolithic column was applied to conduct proteome from small amount of immune cells as a model of heterogeneous cancer tissue. 350 proteins were identified from 1000 cells by the method and further investment is expected, however, due to insufficient resource, instruments time was not secured.
Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas
På grund av förändring av en situation, kunde färska prover från patienter som inte erhållas för projektet. Således, det projekt som syftar till att utveckla metoden för epitel eller immuncellspecifika proteomik i heterogena cancervävnader. Arbetsflödet består av EpCAM (+ +) cellsortering genom FACS, MS vänliga provberedning, mycket känslig en meter lång monolitisk kolumn och en in-house masspektrometri metod etablerades. Arbetsflödet kommer att vara användbart för att undersöka vilken roll immunceller i sjukdomen.
Upplägg och genomförande
Problem-solving ability is an essential for successful completion of the project. The hardest problem in this project was frequent policy and priority changes of clinical sample collection. As a foreign researcher, some guide and help for collaborating with physicians are necessary, but it was not always expected. Also, securing the instrument time from a core facility, which is my host group, was difficult. These experiences suggest me to secure multiple groups to conduct research promptly as well as negotiating with several different milieu.