Open Cyber-Physical System Model-Driven Certified Development (OPENCPS)
Diarienummer | |
Koordinator | Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB - Avd R&D |
Bidrag från Vinnova | 1 200 000 kronor |
Projektets löptid | december 2015 - december 2018 |
Status | Avslutat |
Utlysning | Eureka-kluster medfinansiering |
Ansökningsomgång | EUREKA medfinansiering kluster 2014-2015 |
Viktiga resultat som projektet gav
Driven by the need to limit global warming, the energy systems are in a phase of expanding renewable energy as an alternative to conventional power plants. The design and control of power plants are expected to become increasingly more important as a method of balancing the electric networks with a large share of renewable energy. The project is motivated by the need to enable suppliers, in early design phase, to test the complete functionality by utilizing verified models from different sources, without having to convert all models to run by the same tool. This is needed for the entire grid.
Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas
The project goal of this joint energy demonstrator was to combine FMU´s from four different suppliers, to show that each supplier’s verified knowledge, expressed by their FMU, could be used for design, and transient analysis of a power plant.
Upplägg och genomförande
The power plant is a combined cycle plant (CCPP) with steam extraction to a district heating system. The FMUs are a gas turbine (GT) supplying flue gases to a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) that supplies steam to a district heating system (DH). The GT shaft drives a generator connected to a large utility network (SMIB). The HRSG also supplies steam to a steam turbine that is included in the HRSG model. Following entities supplies FMUs for the CCPP: 1. Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB supplies the GT 2. KTH supplies the net model 3. EDF supplies the HRSG with ST 4. Equa AB supplies the DH