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Nya potenta analgetika

Koordinator Karolinska Institutet - CCK
Bidrag från Vinnova 50 000 kronor
Projektets löptid juli 2015 - september 2015
Status Avslutat

Viktiga resultat som projektet gav

The details of the project have been discussed by the two parties and a definite plan with timetable has been established. The project leader has visited the facility and discussed with the director the work plan. The host private sector has already standardised methods for using microRNAs for diagnosis of diseases and same strategy will be adopted to decipher the role of microRNAs in opioid tolerance development which is linked to addiction due to dose escalation. Therefore, the success of the project will help patients receiving opioids and provide a base for avoiding opioid addiction.

Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas

The new opioid hybrids have been proven as much more potent than the currently used opioids in terms of analgesia. The next step is prove it free from or at least with minimal side effects particularly tolerance development (which is linked to addiction). Therefore, our success in this step will furnish a base for new drug candidates to alleviate pain without the risk of addiction or the most serious respiratory depression.

Upplägg och genomförande

The experimental work will be carried out on cells, animals and postmortem human brains (from Stockholm through the KI Donatum program). Screening of the potential tolerance markers (particularly microRNAs and matrix metalloproteinase) will be first carried out on cell culture and animals before analysing them in human postmortem brains. The markers proves positive in those models (especially postmortem brains) will be further investigated for antagonising drugs outcome (for instance anti-microRNAs). All the studies will be performed on both the regular and chimeric opioids.

Externa länkar

Texten på den här sidan har projektgruppen själv formulerat. Innehållet är inte granskat av våra redaktörer.

Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2015-04019