Konferens: Aktiehandel i förändring
Diarienummer | |
Koordinator | Göteborgs Universitet - Centrum för Finans |
Bidrag från Vinnova | 300 000 kronor |
Projektets löptid | december 2012 - juni 2013 |
Status | Avslutat |
Viktiga resultat som projektet gav
Our impression is that the goals of the conference were fulfilled. First, the researchers and practitioners who participated in the conference learned what the research frontier says about algorithm trading, short-selling restrictions, dark pools, and a Tobin tax. Second, the conference has resulted in more interaction between researchers and practitioners, in particular between researchers at CFF and practitioners at AP2. Third, CFF became more visible both within academia and the industry.
Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas
The improved interaction with the finance industry as well as the improved visibility will hopefully lead to larger interest in the research conducted at the CFF and larger audiences at future CFF events such as seminars and workshops. Another potential result is that this conference was the first in an annual event. Finally, the improved visibility of CFF will most likely facilitate more efficient recruitment of researchers in the future.
Upplägg och genomförande
The objective of the conference was marketing of CFF within academia and the industry. During the fall we will have a workshop where junior CFF faculty will receive feedback on ongoing work, which could have been another objective. The joint organization with AP2 also resulted in a topic, speakers, and a format that attracted both researchers and practitioners. The one day format with max 7 speakers with minimum 40 minutes per speaker is a format that we will stick to at future conferences.