Diarienummer | |
Bidrag från Vinnova | 1 350 000 kronor |
Projektets löptid | juli 2013 - september 2016 |
Status | Avslutat |
Viktiga resultat som projektet gav
The project main aim has been to exploit ambient-assisted living techniques to provide older adults (end users) and their caregivers (formal and informal) with support and guidance in pursuing a healthy and safe lifestyle. JIBS have worked on and contributed with research and development of new knowledge to issues focused on people and their reaction towards the service concept developed, and to issues related to their attitude towards behavioural monitoring systems as the ones developed and tested in this project. Jibs has also worked with an overall evaluation of the piloted service
Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas
JIBS has within the frame of the project in concrete contributed to the following results: Mapping and development of a value proposition model Performing an extensive investigation on the perceived value of the piloted service by the end users. Developing potential exploitation paths to ensure the continuation of project findings Outline of the business and exploitation strategy activities Defining the exploitation model Identifying the perceived value of the piloted services by the end-users Producing and disseminating new knowledge of R&D nature
Upplägg och genomförande
Most of the work performed by JIBS can be connected to WP5 Data related and of relevance to identify user requirements have been sampled in different stages of the project. Based on principles stated in user-centred design methodologies, the data sampled was analysed and used to define services In addition to this, we performed an analysis of the socio-economic impacts of the HELICOPTER technology. The outcomes of the evaluation were further analysed in order to identify issues that could facilitate and stimulate promotion of technology.