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Eurostarsprojekt, MTP in situ sequencer, 9877

Bidrag från Vinnova 7 772 kronor
Projektets löptid oktober 2015 - oktober 2017
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Eurostars – för forskande små och medelstora företag
Ansökningsomgång Eurostars medfinansiering 2014-2015

Viktiga resultat som projektet gav

Together with SU, Olink Bioscience engages in development of in situ sequencing assays that can be used i. a. on the MTP in situ sequencer developed in this project.

Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas

Spatially resolved multiplexed profiling of biomarkers is expected to improve our understanding of highly heterogenous tissues such as brain as well as shedding light on the biology of complex diseases including cancer. Full automation of in situ sequencing assays is expected to make this spatial profiling technology more accessible to researchers and clinicians who might use in situ sequencing as a diagnostic tool in the future, similar to how simple histological and immunochemical stains are used today.

Upplägg och genomförande

Olink Bioscience has scheduled regular meetings with SU to provide their expertise in development of commercial assays including assay validation and the implementation of quality control routines.

Texten på den här sidan har projektgruppen själv formulerat. Innehållet är inte granskat av våra redaktörer.

Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2015-06132