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Building Cholera Free Communities with the Paid to Poop Model - Sustainably Scaling Sanitation in Low Income Markets

Koordinator THE MAD GROUP AB
Bidrag från Vinnova 447 000 kronor
Projektets löptid november 2019 - juni 2020
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Utmaningsdriven innovation – steg 1 initiering
Ansökningsomgång Utmaningsdriven innovation - steg 1 initiering (höst 2019)

Viktiga resultat som projektet gav

We fulfilled our ambition of unifying a carefully selected constellation of sanitation stakeholders under the vision of a “Cholera Free Community”. Through the workshops and desktop research we identified the social, technical and economic prerequisites for building the circular, community-driven sanitation system. Through partner discussions we have secured interest in progressing this project to Step 2.

Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas

The most important result of Step 1 is all partners are aligned & committed to take the project forward together. We identified 3 potential use pilots for the closed-loop sanitation ecosystem: -Pop-Up Poop Stations (public toilets) -Self Funding School (community schools) -Slum Dweller Units (individual household units) This indicates genuine intrigue, curiosity & interest amongst the actors for a “Paid-to-Poop” model. We also discovered broader market opportunities within sewage epidemiology & fecal microbiota transplants

Upplägg och genomförande

19 experts participated in workshops on 30 & 31 Jan 2020. Project Partner, Sam Malinga of Sanitation Africa, flew from Uganda, joining representatives from: Vinnova, Sida, Solvatten, SEI, Better Development, Konstfack, KI, Swecare, Expedition Mondial, Impact Breakfast Club, SE Forum, Avvoniv, TargetAid, Ultiro & Läkarmission. Due to COVID-19, the planned trip to Uganda was cancelled. Instead, we designed a “virtual visit” with SSE students conducting desktop research & interacting with Ugandan community members via whatsapp to conduct the analysis that was planned for the visit

Externa länkar

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Senast uppdaterad 25 september 2020

Diarienummer 2019-04286