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Arrangör: Vinnova
Digitalt tor 23 mar 2023 kl. 09:00-09:45

Under den kostnadsfria helt digitala konferensen Sweden Innovation Days, 21-23 mars, arrangerar Vinnova ett antal sidoevent som äger rum vid sidan av konferensens huvudprogram. Detta är ett av dem och kommer att äga rum på engelska.

Collaboration – Driving forces to sustainable plastic

The use of plastic is a large part of our everyday lives and plastics are therefore an important material in our economy.

But today’s plastic use can also result in serious negative effects on the environment and human health. If used in a sustainable way, plastic has a great value and provides great societal benefits. Plastics can, among other things, in some contexts contribute to energy savings and reduced climate emissions.

It is therefore important that we overcome the challenges that exist – so that we can continue to use plastic efficiently in those products where the plastic provides environmental benefits. Through collaboration between different actors within the innovation system, we build conditions for resource-efficient value chains and increased ability to overcome the challenges. Like other materials, plastics must be adapted to be part of a circular economy. This means that we need to minimise environmental and climate impact, reduce littering and the spread of plastics to nature. A prerequisite for success in this is collaboration between value networks and across industries.

Welcome to a panel discussion that shows how collaboration between different industries and consideration of different perspectives can contribute to a sustainable plastic system.

  • Viktor Börjesson, Pulpcac
  • Joakim Wiedesheim, Polymercentrum
  • Åsa Stenmark, The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Anders Kihl, Ragn-Sells
  • Anders Sahlman, moderator

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Senast uppdaterad 1 mars 2023