Sweden's conditions in the digital structural transformation
Analysis appendix to the report Gathering power for a sustainable digitized Sweden

Sweden's conditions in the digital structural transformation
Go directly to the reportThis report is an analysis appendix to the reporting of the government assignment to Vinnova, DIGG, PTS and VR to jointly propose the design of a strategic programme to meet and lead in the digital structural transformation.
Within the scope of the assignment, a strategic analysis of the international development of digitization has been carried out with a focus on other countries' policies and efforts in the digital structural transformation. In addition, a summary analysis of the development in Sweden has been made mainly based on previously conducted analyses.
The digital structural transformation that we are in affects the entire society fundamentally in increasingly complex patterns of connection between different factors and actors. The development is genuinely global and cross-border. The pace of the change processes that drive this development is very high and in important respects accelerating.
The analysis shows that large digital power gatherings for value creation, for green conversion and for social sustainability are being made in many other countries. In the analysis, the conclusion is drawn that Sweden should make the same digital pooling of forces as in other countries. Important priority areas in that context should be:
- Key Digital Technologies – Applications, Skills, Ecosystems
- Digital system solutions for green transition and social sustainability
- Digital competence, digital maturity and lifelong learning
- Digital infrastructures, data, data infrastructures and data sharing
- EU power pools – for international policy and development power
In addition, Sweden's ability to set purposeful and long-term priorities for digital power gathering and coordination between authorities needs to be strengthened. This needs to be developed and run in close collaboration with business, public activities and civil society.
The time for the assignment has been very tight. The analysis presented in this report must therefore be considered preliminary. Continued and in-depth analysis will be of great importance for Sweden to be able to successfully meet and lead in the digital structural transformation.
The analysis work has been carried out in collaboration between a large number of employees at the various authorities and with employees at other authorities in Sweden and in other countries. The analysis is also based on valuable information from companies and other organizations in Sweden and a large number of international organizations.
- Published
- 2021-May
- Series number
- VR 2021:06
- Publisher
- Vinnova – Sveriges innovationsmyndighet
- Author
- Vinnova, Post- och telestyrelsen, Vetenskapsrådet Myndigheten för digital förvaltning
- ISBN: 978-91-985899-1-7
- 1650-3104
- Number of pages
- 131
Last updated 23 August 2022