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Nine-year evaluation of strategic innovation programs: Smarter electronics systems

Book cover Nine-year evaluation of strategic innovation programs: Smarter electronics systems

Nine-year evaluation of strategic innovation programs: Smarter electronics systems

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This report concerns the nine-year evaluation of the strategic innovation program Smarter electronics system. The overall conclusions are that the program is well managed, well functioning and contributes to the SIP instrument's overall impact goals and important results in the form of knowledge building, internationalization work and value chain work. The program's value chain perspective has led to well-defined priorities and support mechanisms in the implementation, which has created good conditions for innovation in close collaboration with companies.

Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas finance seventeen strategic innovation programs. Through cooperation in areas that are strategically important for Sweden, conditions are created for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and increased international competitiveness.

In 2023, six strategic innovation programs have undergone their nine-year evaluation. In these evaluations, a particular emphasis has been on examining results and early effects of the programs. The evaluators have also followed up action plans from the six-year evaluation and submitted recommendations for the programs' fourth and final three-year stage.

Equality and independence have been two guiding stars in the evaluation process. Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas have procured Sweco Sverige AB to carry out the nine-year evaluations. The content, conclusions and recommendations of this report are theirs.

Series number
VR 2023:22
Vinnova - Sveriges innovationsmyndighet
Bo Sandberg och Elinor Nissbrandt, Sweco
Number of pages

Last updated 11 December 2023

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