Meta-evaluation of the second round of strategic innovation programs after six years

Meta-evaluation of the second round of strategic innovation programs after six years
Go directly to the reportThis report refers to the meta-evaluation of the second round of strategic innovation programs that have been evaluated after six years. In summary, the report shows that the programs have succeeded very well in gradually achieving national concentration and mobilization, both across traditional industry boundaries and along value chains. The programs have contributed to renewal by engaging actors without previous experience of R&D. The programs have also identified and addressed system-related deficiencies, which may be their most important system-related effect. Overall, the programs have significantly renewed each area.
The purpose of this meta-evaluation is to summarize the types of results and effects that the six programs have generated and are expected to generate, as well as to summarize experiences of their implementation as a basis for further development of the SIP instrument. The six evaluations and this meta-evaluation were carried out during the period January – December 2020.
Strategic innovation programs are a joint effort by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas on actor-driven programme through collaboration in areas that are strategically important for Sweden. They will contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and increased international competitiveness.
On behalf of the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova), the Research Council for the Environment, Areal Industries and Community Development (Formas) and the Swedish Energy Agency (Energy Agency), Faugert & Co Utvärdering/Technopolis Sweden in collaboration with Technopolis Ltd and Sweco Society have evaluated the second generation strategic innovation program (SIP). The six programme that started in 2014 have now undergone a six-year evaluation.
Take a look at the six sub-reports
- The strategic innovation program BioInnovation
- The strategic innovation program for aviation, Innovair
- The Strategic Innovation Program for Sakernas Internet (IoT Sverige) )
- The strategic innovation program SIO Grafen
- The strategic innovation program Smarter electronics system
- The strategic innovation program Swelife
- Published
- 2020-December
- Series number
- VR 2020:19
- Publisher
- Faugert & Co Utvärdering/Technopolis Sweden
- Author
- Tomas Åström ‒ Faugert & Co Utvärdering/Technopolis Sweden, Erik Arnold ‒ Technopolis Ltd och Josefine Olsson ‒ Faugert & Co Utvärdering/Technopolis Sweden
- Number of pages
- 146
Last updated 16 December 2020