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Horizon 2020 - Yearbook 2019

Swedish participation in European programme for research and innovation

Book cover Horizon 2020 - Yearbook 2019

Horizon 2020 - Yearbook 2019

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The report presents the Swedish participation in Horizon 2020 and includes the data presented by the EU Commission in December 2019. The EU Commission publishes recurring accumulated data of calls made so far. Based on these, this report presents participations, shares of participation, grants, shares of grants and share of coordinators. This report also presents an overview of Swedish research and innovation funders' participation in European partnership programs.

Sweden is among the ten most successful countries in the framework program and retains its eighth place from previous reporting. Swedish organizations have been granted approximately EUR 1.66 billion, corresponding to 3.4 per cent of allocated funds.

Sweden's largest player is Lunds Universitet, who has been allocated the largest share of funds granted. In the business group, AstraZeneca AB is the leading organization in terms of participation. The research organization that has been awarded the most funding is RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB.

Horizon 2020

The European Framework Program for research and Innovation, Horizon 2020 provides significant funding opportunities for Swedish research and innovation players as well as opportunities to participate in European collaboration projects for technology development and solutions to societal challenges.

Series number
VR 2020:08
Vinnova - Sveriges innovationsmyndighet, i samarbete med Energimyndigheten, Formas, Forte, Rymdstyrelsen och Vetenskapsrådet
Katrin Danerlöv, Mikael Sundh, Jessica Umegård, Vinnova
Number of pages

Last updated 26 May 2020

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