First Evaluation of the Institute Excellence Centres Programme

First Evaluation of the Institute Excellence Centres Programme
Go directly to the reportIn this report Vinnova - Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen) and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) present the first evaluation of the Institute Excellence Centre programme.
The Institute Excellence Centres programme is to run for up to 6 years. The Centres are funded in two stages: for 3 years based on the initial application and for an additional period of 3 years based on evaluation and renewed application. The partners of a Centre are industrial companies and research institutes in collaboration with a University/Institute of Technology. The parties contribute jointly to the centre’s research programme, financially or in the form of active work.
- Published
- 2008-April
- Series number
- VR 2008:04
- Publisher
- Vinnova
- Author
- Per Stenius, Kaj Mårtensson, Ola Asplund, Gunnar Björklund, Staffan Brege, Ingrid Skogsmo & Michael Stöcker
- 978-91-85959-10-5
- 1650-3104
- Number of pages
- 74
Last updated 15 December 2022