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Eco-innovative measures in large Swedish companies

An inventory based on company reports

Book cover Eco-innovative measures in large Swedish companies

Eco-innovative measures in large Swedish companies

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Within its framework of strategic monitoring Vinnova has embarked on a series of analyses of trends for several branches of industry. Parameters examined include business structure, strategic areas for renewal and cooperation in research, and inno-vation. On-going or recently completed studies include: Life Science; Automotive; Chemicals; Mines and minerals; Metals; Maritime; Forest, pulp and paper; Information and communications technology; Environmental Technology and finally, Energy.

The project examines eco-innovative measures among 100 large companies from 11 industries in Sweden. Data from corporate annual reports was gathered and analysed using a range of criteria that show what types of measures companies pursue in order to tackle environmental issues. These criteria range from internal measures, such as developing new products and processes, to measures that include the value chain and public/private partners that can help boost eco-innovation.

Series number
VA 2013:03
Birgit Brunklaus, Jutta Hildenbrand & Steven Saransini - Chalmers University of Technology
Number of pages

Last updated 15 December 2022

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