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Reference number
Coordinator QRtech Aktiebolag
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 137 090
Project duration May 2012 - April 2015
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The project was aimed at increasing the competetiveness of european companies in the automotive industry by improving the efficiency of the development of hardware and software for safety critical systems. The project goals have been met by development of a large number of tools and processes that allows for improved and more effective measures for quantifying the degree to which a system fulfills safety requirements. The project has facilitated the work with new safety standards and there are now specific tools available, of varying TRL, for many parts of the development process.

Expected long term effects

For QRTECH the project has entailed: 1. We developed a tool chain that streamlines the analysis of safetycritical hardware in development through automation. This enables us to improve our offer to customers and shortening the time for developing new hardware. Through the project we have also confirmed that our tool is both unique and sought-after and we are now planning a new project to turn the tool into a product. 2. We have gathered extensive knowledge in ISO 26262, which has strengthened our competitiveness and resulted in sales in the form of safety-related development projects.

Approach and implementation

The project was initiated by further analysing ´State-of-the-Art´, to help defining requirements and desirable features for the tools and processes to be developed. It was found that much were lacking in the current approach and methodology. Studies where then conducted to develop tools and processes for verification on three levels; system, hardware and software level. The methodology and tools that were developed was then evaluated in case studies defined by the OEMs. The results of these case studies were in general positive, but dependent on the TRL reached by the tool or process.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2012-01631