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VeriSpec Structured Specifications and Automated Verification for Automotive Functional Safety

Reference number
Coordinator Mälardalens högskola - Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, Västerås
Funding from Vinnova SEK 10 065 911
Project duration June 2013 - June 2019
Status Completed
Venture Electronics, software and communication - FFI
Call 2012-04640-en
End-of-project report 2013-01299eng.pdf (pdf, 1282 kB)

Important results from the project

The main goal of VeriSpec has been to show how the increased formalization of requirements allows analysis methods and tools to be gradually integrated within the automotive context. The goal is fulfilled by proposed methods supported by 5 prototype tools for: (i) structured requirements specification and analysis, (ii) statistical verification of architectural components specified in SIMULINK, and (iii) AUTOSAR-compatible software to hardware allocation. We have integrated the requirements specification and analysis tools with tools already in use at Volvo and Scania.

Expected long term effects

The methods and tools proposed in VeriSpec, for the structured specification and analysis of safety requirements, at various levels of architectural abstraction, as well as for the SIMULINK models´ statistical verification, and AUTOSAR-compatible software-to-hardware allocation, provide the industrial partners an increased support for handling and analyzing requirements and verifying design models, towards the development of correct and robust automotive systems, based on model-based analysis techniques.

Approach and implementation

VeriSpec has been structured in four work-packages (WP), with WP1 on identification of requirements and analysis cases, WP2 on specification and analysis of safety requirements, WP3 on verification of models supporting the system development process, and WP4 on project management (twice per month meetings with the consortium and yearly meetings with the steering group). All WPs had tasks that were completed according to the initial plan, with some extensions of the project time due to the need of tool implementation, evaluation and integration with in-house industrial tools.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 12 October 2021

Reference number 2013-01299