Utilization of organic sludge in metal industry - OSMet S2
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Coordinator | Swerim AB - Swerim AB, LULEÅ |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 9 993 380 |
Project duration | May 2017 - February 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-driven innovation - Phase 2 Collaboration |
Call | Challenge-driven innovation - Stage 2 Collaboration 2017 (spring) |
Important results from the project
OSMET aims to use industrial symbiosis to upgrade and maximize the value chain of industrial residues for metallurgical applications and beyond, thus contributing to climate change mitigation, minimizing residues to landfill and saving natural resources. The project was implemented by performing pilot trials and short-term industrial trials to test the concept technically, with the supports of LCA analysis and the business model designing. The collaborative project has the potential of an annual cost saving of 22-30 MSEK and a CO2 emission reduction of 175-270 kton.
Expected long term effects
The main results from OSMET S2 were listed below. - Pilot trials of using upgraded secondary lime briquettes for the steelmaking were successfully performed at Swerim. - Short-term industrials were performed at SSAB Oxelösund and Volvo GTO to test the developed hydrochar. - The LCAs performed showed positive environmental impacts by using the residues. - Business model canvas for both bio-sludge and secondary lime materials were developed. - The results were disseminated via different channels. - A good gender perspective was aimed. - International cooperation has been developed.
Approach and implementation
The project activities were divided into six work packages (WPs), a responsible organization was allocated to each WP and the interrelations among WPs were defined. They are following: - WP1: Treatment and upgrading of pulp&paper mill sludge (SP Processum); - WP2: Laboratory investigation of innovative agglomerates (KTH) - WP3: Pilot test of upgraded lime containing sludge for steelmaking (Swerim) - WP4: Industrial tests in blast furnace and cupola furnace (SSAB and Volvo) - WP5: Consequence analysis (IVF) - WP6: Project management and dissemination (Swerim)