Utilization of industrial residuals for prevention of sulphide oxidation in mine wastes
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Coordinator | Luleå tekniska universitet - Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 5 750 000 |
Project duration | August 2014 - June 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme for Swedish mining and metal producing industry - SIP Swedish Mining Innovation |
Call | 2014-00836-en |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project was to prevent sulfide oxidation in mine waste, thus preventing leaching of pollutants in the form of acidic metallic water using residual materials from other industries. Three sub-projects have been carried out whose purpose was 1) to evaluate alternative materials for till to coverage of mine waste 2) study residual materials from other industries to inhibit sulfide oxidation 3) evaluate the potential of oxidized waste rock to dissolve in reducing oxygen levels. All objectives have been carried out within the project timeframe
Expected long term effects
The project has resulted in 1) green liquor dregs properties as cover material of mine waste are positive, and will be used in larger scale. A guide to use green liquor dregs has been developed. 2) reduction of sulfide oxidation in waste rock by adding fly ash and lime kiln dust. Results available in a licentiate thesis and two upcoming articles. 3) secondary minerals in sulfide waste rock dissolve partly and transforms into more stable minerals when the oxygen level are reduced. Metal leaching was less than expected. An article is under processing.
Approach and implementation
The project consisted of three sub-projects 1) Development of alternative coverage material 2) Inhibition of sulfide oxidation 3) Dissolution of secondary minerals. The project has been run through a steering group, operational project groups and a project party group (industrial partners). Analysis of the organization structure concludes that the project was too large, and therefore divided into smaller project groups during the project to make the work smoother. Communication with industry partners has worked satisfactorily.