Using base stations for mobile communication as a radar system for detection of drones
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Saab AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 6 000 000 |
Project duration | November 2024 - November 2025 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | Civil-military synergies |
Call | Collaborative project for civil-military synergies |
Purpose and goal
The objective of the project is to use existing 4G/5G base stations in Sweden as a radar system for the detection and tracking of drones. Sweden´s existing base of closely spaced base stations constitutes a particularly interesting and robust civilian and military possibility for this.
Expected effects and result
The expected result is that the existing base of already deployed base stations, with large surface coverage, could form an important and robust subsystem in a larger system for the detection of drones under conditions of peace, gray zone or war.
Planned approach and implementation
The project intends to combine Ericsson´s knowledge in networks for telecommunications with Saab´s world-leading knowledge in the field of radar. Ericsson and Saab have already started a collaboration with the project goal described above. The maturity level of the collaborative project is today 2-3 on the nine-point TRL scale. The goal of the project is to achieve TRL 6 by developing the necessary software, implementing it in Ericsson´s test network and carrying out tests and trials outdoors.