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US AutoTech Program 2024

Reference number
Coordinator Sveriges Export- & Investeringsråd - Business Sweden
Funding from Vinnova SEK 700 000
Project duration December 2023 - February 2025
Status Ongoing
Venture Innovations for a sustainable mobility system - individual applications

Purpose and goal

US AutoTech-program is a long-term program with objective to: - Position Sweden and Swedish innovative companies to America´s automated and connected vehicle ecosystem - Develop business opportunities for Swedish companies - Connect investors to leading Swedish companies - Connect Swedish companies and innovations to American partners and demonstrators - Support Swedish establishment and growth in the USA. The program shall provide insights, targeted networking events, conference participation and matchmaking. Drive Sweden and Future Mobility are partners in the program.

Expected effects and result

- Position Sweden and Swedish innovative companies to America´s automated and connected vehicle ecosystem - Develop business opportunities for Swedish companies - Connect investors to leading Swedish companies - Connect Swedish companies and innovations to American partners and demonstrators - Support Swedish establishment and growth in the USA.

Planned approach and implementation

The project is divided into 7 activities: 1) US AutoTech landing page and mapping report 2) Virtual matchmaking sessions 3) Swedish pavilion or similar at a California event (TBD) 4) Silicon Valley roadshow 5) Swedish pavilion or similar at a Michigan event (TBD) 6) Detroit roadshow 7) CES Show report

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 29 November 2023

Reference number 2023-03863