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Travelers challenge

Reference number
Coordinator IMCG Sweden AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 400 000
Project duration October 2013 - August 2014
Status Completed

Important results from the project

To get more people to use public transport Västtrafik and Västra Götaland wanted to find services and products that enhance the traveler experience. Via ´Resenärskampen´, an awareness campaign, the public was encouraged to contribute with business solutions and ideas, which makes more people want to use public transport and not use it just because they have to. The goal was to find feasible solutions that can be used in business owners´ needs. Policy makers, industry, academia and general public received a positive backdrop to the subject of public transport.

Expected long term effects

149 entries were received and a total of 224 participated in the competition. The winning contributions composed of traffic, loyalty programs and various game concepts. Prize winners were rewarded with business coaching and incubator processes as one of the cornerstones of the concept is to support the realisation of the ideas even after the contest period. The expectation is that one or more of the ideas is implemented and used in the region´s public transportation. The desired effect is that Resenärskampen is seen as a new communication model for engagement, awareness and development

Approach and implementation

To compete, five questions are answered in a form on the Web, which made ´Resenärskampen´ accessible and easily packaged. Winning entries were appointed primarily on the basis of feasibility and commercial and/or social benefit. Jury consisted of 26 people from Volvo, X2AB, Kairos Future and Happy Forsman & Bodenfors, amongst others. To implement the project operationally, teams with clear responsibilities were created so right skills from each actor were placed appropriately. A challenge is to keep the drive of the actors after the price ceremony into realisation.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2013-04238