Travel to Israel - project brokerage and networking
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Luleå tekniska universitet - ProcessIT Innovations |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 18 285 |
Project duration | January 2019 - February 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Professor John Lindström, ProcessIT Innovations R&D Centre (ProcessIT) at LTU, will participate in Vinnovas travelarrangement to Israel, Tel Aviv, and the Cybertech konferansen 2019. The purpose of the trip is to find new ideas and partners for future project building mainly within H2020 and ECSEL.
Expected long term effects
Got new angles for how to better understand advanced and complex problems at needs-owners, SMEs and researchers. Also got new contacts with potential partners for future project proposals.
Approach and implementation
John Lindström will during the trip participate in the Cybertech conferenace and a number of arrangements and meetings set up by Vinnova. The objective is to meet a number of leading companies and organizations within cybersecurity and who are interested in joint R&D co-operations.