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Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Innovative mHealth Technologies for Health Promotion and Better Health Outcome

Reference number
Coordinator Blekinge tekniska högskola
Funding from Vinnova SEK 4 996 742
Project duration January 2014 - June 2017
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The project has contributed to the development of long-term Indo-Swedish R&D collaboration around user participation in the development of mobile services for sustainable development. In the Indian case study, a robust voice-based service has been developed and tested on more than 800 people. In the Swedish case study, it proved difficult to introduce mobile technology in public healthcare. However, a promising dialog developed with healthcare representatives during the last year of the project concerning implementation of innovative mHealth solutions in Swedish healthcare.

Expected long term effects

In the Indian case study, a voice-based mobile health service was developed together with healthcare workers and pregnant women/mothers of infants. The service was tested on more than 800 women, with positive results. A dialog has been initiated with the Indian Government about how the service could be scaled up and implemented on a national level. In the Swedish case study, a prototype for support of communication and collaboration within the diabetes team and with patients was developed together with healthcare workers and diabetes patients. 11 research publications so far.

Approach and implementation

The project was multidisciplinary, with a focus on health and health promotion on one hand, and design and development of technologies for supporting health and enhancing health promotion on the other. The approach was iterative and consisted of a combination of design-oriented action research, evidence-based healthcare, measuring and evaluation of service quality, user experience and actual use of mHealth services and how these services affect health. Commercialization of mHealth services in collaboration with industry and the public sector has been one of the project goals.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2013-04660