Transatlantic Collaboration on Data Driven Nutrition for Precision Prevention
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB - Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB, Inst Life Sciences |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 000 000 |
Project duration | November 2024 - October 2025 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | Preparation projects for international application within health |
Call | Towards deeper collaboration with UK and USA partners within Health and Life Science |
Purpose and goal
The goal of this project is to connect major precision nutrition research hubs in Sweden (and in extension also Eurpoe) and the US. Specific aims are: 1) Consolidate the Precision Nutrition Forum (PNF)-a leading scientific communication, mobility and networking platform. 2) Harmonize multi-OMICs data generation and computational methods. 3) Discover and validate dietary biomarkers. 4) Develop algorithms that provide optimal dietary recommendations on an individual’s level.
Expected effects and result
1) Provide access to cutting-edge research and to amplify the global outreach of Swedish scientist, professionals, and entrepreneurs in the precision nutrition area. 2) Harmonized OMICS data and computational methods via onsite training. 4) Extended researcher visit at Harvard. 5) Draft joint grant proposals for larger project funding
Planned approach and implementation
The work is organized in workpackages that include arranging scientific meetings, mobility and data harmonization and exchange. WP1: Consolidate the recently established Precision Nutrition Forum (PNF) PNF conference will be arranged(-25). WP2: Harmonize multi-OMICs data and research methods for precision health research. WP3: Discover and cross-validate dietary biomarkers in partners´ cohorts and trials. WP4 Develop algorithms that provide optimal dietary recommendations at individual’s level.