The strategic Innovation Program Metallic Material 2017-2019s
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Jernkontoret - Jernkontoret, STOCKHOLM |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 17 981 850 |
Project duration | January 2017 - June 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The strategic innovation program Metallic materials aims to realize the strategic research and innovation agenda "National Action for Metallic Materials" through its own efforts and by supplementing, strengthening and inspiring other initiatives that contribute to the agenda being fulfilled. During 2017 to 2020 the program has been sharpened and the pace has increased, which has increased its impact. In 2019, the program underwent a major evaluation that showed very good results. The program has also updated the agenda and effect logic to meet new challenges.
Expected long term effects
During the period 2017 - 2020, the program carried out 8 calls that gave rise to 57 projects. In total, the programme´s project portfolio has grown to 170 projects, of which almost 120 have been completed. The program has also increased the proportion of active actors by about 60% and thus contributed to the emergence of both new ideas and collaborations. Analysis of the project portfolio shows that the program has addressed all focus areas specified by the agenda.
Approach and implementation
The highest decision-making body is the Program Board, composed of representatives from the program owners, the innovation area and Vinnova. The operational work is carried out by the Program Office, supported by the Agenda Council, which members posess expertice in all seven focus areas. The Agenda Council ensures that the programme´s efforts are in line with the strategic agenda. To ensure that the efforts are appropriate, the project portfolio is evaluated on an ongoing basis. The program has also collaborated with collaboration program 5 to implement initiatives.