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The Smart Construction Site

Reference number
Coordinator IQ Samhällsbyggnad AB - IQ Samhällsbyggande
Funding from Vinnova SEK 25 489 999
Project duration December 2017 - December 2021
Status Completed

Important results from the project

Connected construction site ("Uppkopplad byggplats") has been carried out as a test bed project on digitalisation of construction with a focus on the construction site´s planning, production and supply processes. As a test bed project, Connected construction site has acted as a platform for testing and evaluating innovative digital applications, and thereby created many examples of the connected construction site, by collaboration of leading construction and ICT actors towards a common goal: sustainable efficiency of construction with digitalisation as a catalyst.

Expected long term effects

At an overall level, the project has: Increased utilization of technology and digitalisation in construction, Generated new knowledge for the participating organizations, the industry, and for research and education, Acted as a catalyst for development of processes and operations, Increased collaboration on several levels (academy-business, business-business, academy-academy), Contributed to generate new business models and eco systems, and Exemplified what a connected construction site can have for effects on safety, productivity and sustainability.

Approach and implementation

The project´s activities have been conducted within four test bed projects, as well as a fifth that has focused on the needed digital infrastructure. Within each test bed project, tests of digital technology have been carried out in the form of so-called "sprints", each with different focus and design. The 30 tests in total, carried out in ongoing construction projects, have been concentrated on the construction site´s planning, production and supply processes, and have been conducted in collaboration between leading construction and ICT actors, as well as universities.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 30 March 2022

Reference number 2017-05202