The lifestyle tool: A new scalable patient-centered solution to prevent and treat lifestyle diseases
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Coordinator | Göteborgs universitet - Sahlgrenska akademin Inst f neurovetenskap & fysiologi |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 2 909 271 |
Project duration | April 2024 - March 2026 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | Swelife - Collaboration project for better health |
Call | Swelife - Collaborative projects for better health autumn 2023 |
Purpose and goal
There is a great need for scalable, cost-effective solutions for lifestyle diseases. The Swelife project will be central to widely introducing Livsstilsverktyget in regions and companies. The tool is at the international forefront through its demonstrated effects and innovative approach that can reduce the need for care and sick leave, save social costs and strengthen Swedish life science. In cooperation between academia and regional key persons, we will develop a structure for further scaling and optimize the solution for broad benefit in society.
Expected effects and result
The project is expected to provide in-depth mapping of the needs for preventive efforts in lifestyle diseases in regions and companies, an investigation of how outcome contracts can be used and the development of networks to promote broad benefits in society with the goal of preventing lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes more effectively than today, cardiovascular disease and mental illness.
Planned approach and implementation
Via Kunskapsstyrning in regions, we will investigate how Livsstilsverktyget can best be integrated into current operations and map the needs and conditions of different operational areas to use the solution in their work. We will conduct conjoint analyzes with companies to investigate how the Lifestyle Tool is integrated into existing HR support to prevent work-related ill health. We will also further develop an innovative AI component that makes the tool personalized and flexible for use in a range of different businesses and for different user groups.