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The Innovation Stair Case - a roadmap for tomorrow´s entrepreneurship women within the Swedish horse community

Reference number
Coordinator STIFTELSEN STOCKHOLM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS (SSE) INSTITUTE FOR RESEAR - Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research
Funding from Vinnova SEK 300 000
Project duration November 2016 - August 2017
Status Completed

Important results from the project

Our project had two goals. The primary goal was to increase the interest for innovation and entrepreneurship among young females (13-20 year old) within Swedish Horse riding. Our secondary goal was to increase the knowledge and interest for innovation and entrepreneurship among central organizations within the Swedish horse riding community. By doing that, our ambition was to create an interest to invest in a more long-term innovation and entrepreneurship platform for Swedish horse riding.

Expected long term effects

We have reached all our project goals: 1. We had more than 100 participants in our event. They were happy about the outcome, both in terms of getting inspiration and about the workshop. 2. We have created interest in Swedish Horse riding to create an annual innovation day, but also to develop a larger innovation platform (our innovation stair case that we compete with). 3. We have created interest in investing in innovation and entrepreneurship events for young females in our sport partners at SSE which are the main sport sin Sweden (i.e. football, hockey, skiing, golf, handball etc).

Approach and implementation

We hosted our Innovation day on March 8, 2017 at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). We had a bit more than 100 participants. During the day, we integrated inspirational talks from female entrepreneurs with horse riding experience and workshops led by SSE students. We invested quite a lot of time before the event to market the event on Facebook (films, sharing events in target groups etc). After the event, we have invested time in strengthening our collaboration with the Swedish horse riding community and share our experience with the partners in the Center for Sports and Business.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2016-04925