The HUB-shop - Prototype for a sustainable purchasing environment
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Sveriges Konsumenter |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 277 502 |
Project duration | November 2023 - April 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | A new recipe for the food system - Catalyzing efforts for system innovation |
Call | A new recipe for the food system - Developed prototypes for a sustainable and healthy food system |
Important results from the project
The project´s aim was to challenge and create a debate within the food retail about changing how customers are nudged to make it easier for consumers to choose healthy and sustainable food. This has been fulfilled through mapping the current situation, two dialogue meetings with the four largest food chains, through publicity and the design of a digital model of how the NAV store can look like. The interest from the retail chains has been great, so has the wish to contribute with constructive solutions.
Expected long term effects
A logo and an attractive name ("Kärn-affären") have been developed, mapping has been done, but the focus has been on the two dialogue meetings with four food retail chains, that were successful. They have started processes within the chains (see appendices). We have also concretized what such a store might look like in practice and spread the idea of the Nav store/Kärn-affären through a column in Dagligvarunytt, and a full article with floor plans in Fri Köpenskap. The retail side are eager to hear more about Nav-butiken even after the project period.
Approach and implementation
The project has followed the structure described in application with four different work packages. The work has been led by Jan Bertoft, Sveriges Konsumenter, with a steering and reference group and a total of about 15 participants in the dialogue meetings. An architectural firm has been procured to create the digital model.