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The health creating user and data driven system innovation

Reference number
Coordinator VÄRMLANDS LÄNS LANDSTING - Landstinget i Värmland
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 379 177
Project duration November 2018 - July 2019
Status Completed
Venture Vision-driven health
Call Health Missions

Important results from the project

The aim of the project is for our vision to respond to society´s challenges regarding health by building a new health system based on the individual. The goal has been achieved through the following anchored vision: 100 percent co-created health. The goal of the environment is, through user-centering, system innovation and policy development, to lay the foundation for a society where health is understood, maintained and created with new rules of the game.

Expected long term effects

A clearly formulated and well-established vision as well as linked goals have been established, and a dynamic form of collaboration has been established. The milestones that the environment should work on are: - That actors in society work to democratize the power, resources and responsibilities of the individual´s health - digitally and analogously. - That actors in society place both the person and personal data on health in focus. - That equal health data literacy is the practice - from users to suppliers to decision makers in society.

Approach and implementation

In order for all participating parties to feel involved, ownership and responsibility, and for vision and goals to be as well-formulated and well-anchored as possible, the operational group, the steering group and other relevant persons and organizations have all participated in meetings to further develop vision and goals. A lot of time has been spent on developing a detailed version of an attractive and clear vision with linked goals in order to be able to identify relevant collaborative partners as well as to have a clear discussion with them regarding vision and goals.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 23 November 2018

Reference number 2018-04203

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