The Breast Cancer Initiative
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Coordinator | Lunds universitet - Institutionen för immunteknologi |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 25 000 000 |
Project duration | January 2011 - December 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Genome based classification of breast tumors for individual therapy selection Proteome based diagnostics for risk classification of breast cancer recurrence and for evaluation of treatment results Extensive database of active signaling pathways, localization, micro environment etc, to provide individual based choice of treatment The goals are fulfilled. Most projects have great commercialization potential and one company has been formed. The large number of publications demonstrate the dissemination of the results - very important for the data utilization in society.
Expected long term effects
An important focus of BCI is to protect all commercial opportunities and ideas. To do this and to get a helicopter perspective, we continuously discuss and evaluate the projects with the Lund University Innovation System, Innovation Manager, Dr. Johanna Asklin. Since business strategies, analysis of competitors, and IP protection are integral elements in the commercialization strategies, especially for the Breast Cancer Index, these contacts have proved to be an important help and great support to the BCI.
Approach and implementation
The set-up with multiple subprojects have worked very well - demonstrated by great results and numerous publications. The coordinator has successfully held the project together and the different PIs has meet regularly for reconciliation. CREATE Health Board, where it has been greatly appreciated that M. Danielsson has had the opportunity to attend, has been continuously updated on the results from the BCI projects. The resources has been reallocated based on activity and success in the projects, which has worked very well and made it possible for successful projects to move on much more rapidly.