The Ballbearing-team - that gets the wheels to spin
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 300 000 |
Project duration | April 2017 - January 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Social innovation - development and testing |
Call | Social innovation - phase 1 |
Important results from the project
The project has created of a forum for learning, creating and processes that increase the employability of immigrants and promote corporate recruitment opportunities primarily in the deficit professions of metal processing. This by low-threshold services primarily to people who have not yet established contact to the labour market and civil society.
Expected long term effects
Projektet har haft 14 deltagare varav 3 stycken har fått anställning på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Hypotetisk vinst för Vaggeryds kommun är då 3*200tkr/ år, förutsatt att de behåller anställning och att de annars skulle gå på försörjningsstöd. Projektet visar på att det med små medel går att finna arbete och att en stor majoritet visar på en mycket god arbetsmoral. Det har varit svårt att locka kvinnor till metallbranschen som är mansdominerad. Projektet har inte under projekttiden lyckats bilda opinion i någon vidare bemärkelse men förmodas göra det framgent.
Approach and implementation
The ambition has been to retain talented participants as mentors, but it has not been successful. One reason may be that the financial incentives have been too weak. It had been better suited for a, through, swedish authority, subsidized employment with an employer. Asylum seeking trainees are impossible to insure on a regular basis in Sweden, but in collaboration with the local upper secondary school, a solution has yet been created. A solution that is scalable. A lesson from the project is that job integration of asylum seekers is very resource-intensive because of bureaucracy.