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Textiles from trees: Process optimization through X-ray scattering analysis.

Reference number
Coordinator Lunds universitet - Fysikalisk Kemi
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 200 000
Project duration February 2018 - July 2020
Status Completed

Important results from the project

A long-term objective with this project was to understand cellulose solution in cold alkali. The effects of various additives to the cold alkali method were studied. A qualitative thermodynamic description of the dissolution process was produced, which has been communicated in a published article. In a second subproject, the nanostructure of regenerated fibers were studied by small and wide angle X-ray scattering, with the purpose to investigate potential correlation between structure and mechanical properties. Such correlation was found.

Expected long term effects

The thermodynamic description of cellulose solution in alkaline solutions presented here is expected to be helpful in working with the optimization of the cold alkali process. We have been able to show that fiber diffraction with X-rays provides interesting information about fiber structure at the nanometer level. The structure depends on process parameters and affects the mechanical properties of the fibers. This type of information can be used for process optimization.

Approach and implementation

Here we have focused on an alkaline dissolution system for cellulose, and in two separate sub-projects, in detail, characterized structure in solutions and spun fibers with a combination of low and wide angle X-ray scattering. The project has been completed in full according to the original plan.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 18 September 2020

Reference number 2017-05414