Testbed Skellefteå Hospital (preparatory project)
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Region Västerbotten - Landstingsfastigheter |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 420 000 |
Project duration | November 2018 - July 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Test beds for society´s challenges |
Call | 2018-02475-en |
Important results from the project
The aim is to develop and establish Skellefteå hospital as a unique test environment for the development of innovative, sustainable and digital solutions. Objectives achieved -Needs analysis (test needs and users are identified) -Established actor constellation -Market analysis -Environmental benefits are quantified and documented -Quantified estimation of the growth potential of the current technology -Quantified estimation of the testbed market developed -Initial testbed specification for both hardware and software -Implementation plan for the next phase developed
Expected long term effects
The project´s analysis, needs analysis and market analysis confirms the initial hypothesis of the need for a hospital as a testbed, where the largest need for testing is in energy and logistics. This preparatory project has also produced a proposal for a testbed and how the testbed can be built and implemented. In order to establish a testbed business, it is planned to seek an implementation project within Vinnova´s targeted announcement for granted preparatory projects.
Approach and implementation
The analyses in the preparation project are structured according to the model, 6T. Theme-which problem solves the testbed? Team who should implement and operate the testbed? Technology What technologies are interesting to develop and verify? Terrain What options does the customer have, the competitive situation? Traction Customer data activity and Terms terms, conditions and agreements. Methods: -Steering comittee -Analysis, market analysis and fact-gathering -Interviews and meetings with potential testers and testbed developers. -Work Meetings/Workshops