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Testbed for an active lifestyle in multimorbidity

Reference number
Coordinator Jämtlands läns landsting - Region Jämtland Härjedalen
Funding from Vinnova SEK 500 000
Project duration November 2018 - August 2019
Status Completed
Venture Test beds for society´s challenges
Call 2018-02475-en

Important results from the project

The project aimed to develop a decision foundation for an upcoming testbed for stroke rehabilitation in the Region of Jämtland / Härjedalen with a focus on usability. The project has met the goal by examining cognitive, motor and speech rehabilitation and its requirements for e-health services

Expected long term effects

The results show a surprisingly positive response for all three rehabilitation tracks. We see an opportunity to develop in all three areas, and the most significant benefit will be a testbed in speech rehabilitation. An expected outcome for a testbed is that more caregivers can use Region Jämtland/ Härjedalen´s mobile stroke team and thus make rehabilitation more efficient.

Approach and implementation

The implementation has been carried out as a Design Science project focusing on capturing problems and requirements. Data has been collected via individual and group interviews with an overall multi-stakeholder perspective. All interviews were recorded and analyzed thematically separately in the three main tracks. The result has been compared with previous scientific knowledge in the field and presented orally and in writing.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 9 November 2018

Reference number 2018-03686