Test Bed Sweden for Clinical Trials and Implementation of Precision Health in Cancer Care
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Stiftelsen Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) - Stiftelsen Stockholm School of Economics SIR |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 39 818 940 |
Project duration | October 2021 - September 2026 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | SWElife, strategic project |
Call | Innovation milleus in precision health 2021 |
Purpose and goal
Vision Zero Cancer and Genomic Medicine Sweden, together with SciLifeLab, regions, academia, authorities, industry, and patient associations, have established a test bed that stimulates national clinical studies and facilitates the introduction of precision health in cancer care. In Test Bed Sweden for Clinical Trials and the Implementation of Precision Health in Cancer, we work together towards the goal "by 2030 providing personalised and accurate prevention, diagnostics, treatment and care for all patients with cancer throughout Sweden in a sustainable and equitable way".
Expected effects and result
A national cross-sectoral testbed for scientific evaluation and broad national implementation of Precision Health in routine cancer care: -National guidance and a process for streamlined initiation of clinical trials incl. virtual trials, PRRCTs. and the acquisition of RWD. - Availability of and increased participation in clinical trials - Acceleration of translation of research findings into clinically validated models and tools - Health Economics Toolbox (document/educational materials) to support national clinical trials - Strengthened international competitiveness
Planned approach and implementation
The collaborative structure is a further development of Vision Zero Cancer that is already adapted to promote cross-sectoral collaboration, agile decision-making, open science, innovation and system transformation. The project partners have developed a holistic innovation portfolio in a matrix consisting of 10 WP´s - from clinical trials to payment models and updated comprehensive patient journey. Vision Zero Cancer and GMS will lead the coordination and integration efforts together to accelerate the development and implementation of precision health in clinical routine.