Test bed for environmental technology and service innovation
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Coordinator | The Paper Province |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 400 000 |
Project duration | August 2017 - April 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The purpose has been achieved through activities in the planning phase, where companies, academia and public actors were brought together around environmental challenges, to co-create new solutions based on user situations closer to the market. The stakeholders have initiated the construction of a test bed that, with service logic, creates environmental technological innovations. The project has worked on needs and the potential with a service test bed, established a strong project partnership, and began investigating the possibilities for the operation of a test bed.
Expected long term effects
An environmental analysis has been conducted, and shows a niche for a service test bed on environmental technology. A needs analysis (deep interviews 7 people) shows a need for arenas for environmental technology innovations for customers, needs owners, academics, companies. Exploration of the environmental benefits clarifies concrete climate effects when replacing fossil-based products in the healthcare sector. Priority list is created, and a project partnership established. Test bed specification is launched and tested, and will be refined in the project phase.
Approach and implementation
During the planning phase, we have had a broad approach to gathering many different perspectives on how a service test bed can be developed. Companies and other actors understand the idea of a service test bed. The challenge is to understand what it should do since a service per definition is not available until it is developed and has been experienced. Service design tools as an approach was used to highlight important functions in a user´s real environment. This will be further clarified in the next project phase.