test bed for electrolysis and hydrogen storage in an energy system context
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Coordinator | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Lund |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 400 000 |
Project duration | August 2017 - August 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Our proposed test bed concept "Electrolysis and hydrogen storage in an energy system context" is based on the goal of developing and establishing a national knowledge center in the area. The test bed includes both a competence and physical environment for knowledge development, evaluation and demonstration of single system components as well as complete value chains for a wide range of different hydrogen applications. The aim of the current project has been to investigate and clarify the possibilities and needs of such a test bed.
Expected long term effects
The test bed´s addressed areas constitute a significant puzzle piece in the future energy system, which helps Sweden and other countries to switch into renewable power generation, climate-neutral industries and communities. The test bed becomes a neutral place where the academy can conduct industry-relevant research on a larger scale, technology developers can evaluate and demonstrate new technologies (new concepts for electrolysis and hydrogen storage) and where end-users can carry out pre-commercial projects in complete process chains within eg. metallurgy, chemistry.
Approach and implementation
The planning phase have included: 1) Analysis of needs. The test bed´s needs have been identified, analyzed by contacts, interviews and questionnaires with key stakeholders and test bed users. AP2. Market analysis with the purpose of investigating the test bed´s national & international positioning, examination of the test bed´s competence needs, market offerings, business model. AP3. Implementation plan. Identification and specification of the test bed´s requirements for hard / software, planning of subsequent design and implementation phase, respectively.