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Technology support for health promotive behavioural change

Reference number
Coordinator Mälardalens högskola - Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, Västerås
Funding from Vinnova SEK 500 000
Project duration November 2016 - June 2017
Status Completed
Venture Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation

Important results from the project

The aim of the project has been to prepare for future development and implementation of technology supporting behavioral change among seniors by stimulating them to increase their general level of physical activity and also perform fall prevention training. The aim of the project has been to produce: 1. Requirement specification; 2. Market analysis; 3. Technical specification; 4. Plan and consortium for needs-driven, user-centered development of the technical support. We consider the aim of the project obtained and formulated project goals fulfilled.

Expected long term effects

Expected results: (1)Refinement of the idea to solution based on requirements from users, market/legislation and market potential. The solution is described in a requirements and technical specification. (2)Preparations for user-driven development of the refined solution (project plan, developed partner constellation and draft to IPR agreement) The expected results have been obtained. Excected effects: To create growth though value-creating innovation and continued innovation development. We consider that the project will contribute to expected effects.

Approach and implementation

The project has been organised into four work packages (WPs): 1.Analysis 2.Requirements specification 3.Technical specification 4.Preparations for user-driven development of the technology Project partners have participated in activities in WPs. In addition, three meetings have been held in the consortium, one meeting has been held in the project’s reference group and two meetings have been held in the user forum. A montly news letter has been sent to project partners. We consider that the project setup has been suitable and that the work has been carried out according to plan.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2016-03757