TADDO - Trustworthy Automated Driving DevOps
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan - Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Inst f maskinkonstruktion |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 448 500 |
Project duration | June 2023 - April 2024 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Safe automated driving – FFI |
Call | Traffic-safe automation - FFI - spring 2023 |
End-of-project report | 2023-00754eng.pdf (pdf, 1488 kB) |
Important results from the project
The TADDO project had the goal to pave the way for a new methodology for autonomous vehicles and their supporting digititalized infrastructures that allow frequent updates of core functionality such as perception and planning, while guaranteeing personal safety and other reliability features. We call the concept trustworthy DevOps for autonomous vehicles, referring to the need to be able to trust the entire chain from monitoring, over development and upgrading, to real risks in the operational environment.
Expected long term effects
As a prestudy project, TADDO has had the aim of producing a synopsis for a larger continuation project. TADDO has resulted in two submitted research applications which are currently under evaluation.
Approach and implementation
The project has been conducted through a number of workshops, to which the parties have contributed through studies and presentations of the state of the art, new relevant legislation/standards and with case studies. Through the workshops, relevant areas for research where industrial needs exist have been identified.